So, “hello” was a page that was assigned to be the blog posts page, via Settings > Reading, or at minimum, just had a “blogs template” template assigned to it from Genesis, which probably set things up to display the latest posts. Pagination would affect the appropriate query and show the next page of posts, but still got considered to be the “hello” page overall.
You tried setting the post type to have an archive, and it showed as if the standard blog posts, but was still the post type posts.
As long as you know the ID of the post/page/post type post/etc in question, you can technically query for it whenever you want. You could use a function like get_post()
and get all the related post information about it, and display it somewhere. This includes at the top of the archive template that gets used for a custom post type archive. Say archive-movies.php
. You could display a page’s post_content text at the top with a touch of code. Just a matter of how you handle it. Not quite sure exactly what the blog template filename is, but you could duplicate and rename to archive-bye.php
and have it automatically pick up where it left off, but I do have to suspect some other things would still need tweaked overall.
Circling back to the start, I’m still not completely clear on what all you have set up for templates, and that’d take seeing the contents to really clear up on my end. That said, I’m hoping my responses here are perhaps getting you thinking about how to possibly change things up, as needed, and hopefully with as little work possible.
/hello/page/2 = pagination
is likely thinking there’s a second paginated page for the “hello” page itself, not some posts that are maybe listed further down in the template/view. However, I can’t verify for certain. I am wondering if there’s some other spot of code that is helping paginate the correct query, that’s still using the old slug, and you changing the query_args arguments to a new one got things askew.
I don’t understand ‘Custom Rewrite Slug’, isn’t it same as the Has Archive slug?
It’s probably similar, but not quite the same I suspect.