• Resolved rkorebritscs


    Hi Guys,

    I have a page and in that page I load posts from a category:
    $posts = get_posts('category=3&numberposts=4');

    The problem i’m having here is that I can’t get any pagination to work.
    I’ve tried the wp_paginate() function and some other pagination functions, but they don’t work.

    I think it is because I don’t show the post from a category page, but from a page page. I do this because of the URL, I don’t want /category/categoryname/ but /pagename/

    Any advice?


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  • Moderator keesiemeijer


    No problem. Glad you solved it! Now, please use the dropdown at top right to mark this topic ‘Resolved’.

    How would the query look for not just one category, but posts in general on a custom page?

    Does this still work in WordPress 3.0…?



    any update on this in wordpress 3.0?

    i’m using query_posts on a page, and although pagination works it simply shows a link to previous posts which always links to /page/2

    however when i do the same thing on index.php and set wordpress to display posts on homepage it works fine…

    I had a similar experience and this is what I ended up doing.

    Example has 10 posts per page and is very similar to the above where you have a $paged var @ the top, then build a query.

    Note – I added a check to see if there were less than 10 posts for the page because the posts flowed in varying div blocks and needed to make sure the divs were closed properly.

    @ the top: $paged = (get_query_var(‘paged’)) ? get_query_var(‘paged’) : 1;

    before the loop:

    $offset = ($paged*10)-10;
    $offset = ($offset <= 0) ? 0 : $offset;
    $args = array('category_name'=>'nightlife','posts_per_page'=>10,'paged'=>$paged,'offset'=>$offset);
    $posts_remaining = $wp_query->found_posts-$offset;

    Then just loop thru the posts normally, ie. while have_posts(); the_post(); etc…

    Just to clarify the above, I used this to get pagination working on pages that were categories. So the url above would be like: site.com/nightlife/page/2/, site.com/nightlife/page/3/ etc …

    This was in conjunction with the WP-Pagination plugin https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-paginate/

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