I’m interested too. Moreover, here in Italy it seems to be necessary for the banner to show an X in the top right-hand corner to close it. Clicking on the X is equivalent to clicking on “Reject cookies”. Also, it could be useful to add an option to specify the consent cookie expiration (in Italy we need 6 months or more), but I see that your plugin set an expiration of 365 days, so it should be already ok.
There is a lot of confusion regarding the consensus register: in the FAQ provided by the Italian Data Protection Authority it is written that a technical cookie is sufficient to register consent (which is already the case with this plugin). Check here, point 9 (sorry, it’s only in italian language…): https://www.garanteprivacy.it/faq/cookie
Translation of point 9:
How can the acquisition of consent through the use of the banner be documented?
In order to keep track of the acquired consent, the owner of the site can make use of a specific technical cookie, a system that is not particularly invasive and that does not in turn require further consent, as well as other methods that allow the documentation of the choices of the interested party to be kept constantly updated.
This does not affect the possibility for users to change their options at any time and in an easy way. In this regard, it is good practice to adopt a technical device (e.g. an icon or a graphic sign) indicating at any time the status of the consents previously given by the user.
Honestly, I do not know what the correct interpretation of the law is. It has to be said that the text of the guidelines (https://www.garanteprivacy.it/temi/cookie – always in Italian, sorry) does not explicitly mention the consent register.
Anyway, thank you for your wonderful plugin!