• bdcinternational


    When I switch between the “Visual” & “Code” view in WP or when I save a post, some of the formatting I have applied in the visual editor isn’t transferring (specifically the <p> tag).

    Let me clarify: <em> & <strong> tags DO transfer between views. <p> tag does not.

    For example, I am unable to hit the “enter” key two or three times between paragraphs because these paragraph (<p>) tags either aren’t being generated in WP or they aren’t present when I move between views. Therefore, when I save the page, these inserted unpopulated paragraph tags are lost.

    Another example: I can take a paragraph, designate it as “paragraph” under the formatting drop-down, and immediately see a change in the way the text is formatted in the “Visual” editor. When I switch to the “Code” editor to verify that the corresponding <p> code has been created, the <p> tags aren’t present. These <p> tags disappear whether I am switching views or actually saving the post.

    I have moved between WP 2.2. & 2.3.1 to no avail on this particular site. Furthermore, I have run WP on several other sites & not had this problem.

    Thoughts? Is this possibly some sort of server-related issue that I am unaware of?

    Any advice would be very much appreciated!

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  • sacredpath


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    It’s still a problem in 2.3.2.

    It’s not entirely wordpress, the main problem is with TinyMCE, the editor wordpress is using. Safari compatibility is still listed as “experimental” by TinyMCE. They appear to be working on Safari 3 compatibility though from the looks of the dev logs for TinyMCE 3, but who knows when that will be out.

    I’ve switched to fckeditor and am having no issues in Safari 3.0.4 and Firefox has always worked fine for me on Mac’s with wordpress.

    The thing is though I use the online editor only occasionally and use the offline blog editor, Ecto the majority of the time. Ecto has a quirk or two, but I’ve learned to work around them.

    So what if I don’t have a mac or use Safari and I am still having this problem? I am using Avant Browser, which is somehow interconnected with IE.

    We don’t have a solution, but are experiencing the same problems and are very tired of it.
    Any info at all would be nice at this point.


    I was having this very frustrating problem repeatedly in Safari, but switched over to Firefox and everything seems to be working fine. (WP 2.3.2)



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    The editor seems to be wacky right now and I have no idea why. People with IE7 and FF on XP and Vista are seeing the problem, as are some on FF on the Mac.

    Since I’m using an offline blog editor, I don’t experience those issues anymore (unless having to edit or write a page).

    Windows Live Writer: Windows (free)
    BlogDesk: Windows (free)
    Ecto: Windows and Mac (reasonable cost)
    Qumana: Windows and Mac (free)
    MarsEdit: Windows and Mac (reasonable cost)
    Scribefire plugin for Firefox: Windows and Mac (free)

    I tried to install BlogDesk and it wouldn’t run, then I installed Qumana, but the edits I make to images (border, spacing) don’t show up on my blog. I wish wordpress would just work properly. I’ve spent 2 days now just figuring out how to format my blog in a pleasing way and I have yet to find a solution.

    I also installed Dean’s FCKEditor and am very pleased. So far my returns and paragraphs are looking right. Thank god.

    Its not just using return in visual mode. I can’t add a lot in code mode. A whole lot of my HTML doesn’t even show up upon saving
    tags, <div> tags, and more. Its getting really frustrating. (Mac Firefox user)

    I just started a site using WP 2.3.2 and have been encountering the same problem. I thought I was doing something wrong, until I read about “change permissions” and tried to do just that in the “themes” directory. It did not work.

    The semi-solution that I have been applying is to use the RIGHT BLOCK QUOTE. In the visual field, before I save, I write as I normally would with the paragraphs in place. Then, I block quote each paragraph. This technique creates paragraphs, but you sacrifice a little writing space to the left margin.

    Also, to maintain spacing in between paragraphs, I have to also apply RIGHT BLOCK QUOTE.

    This work around is a tedious work-around, but my only option. Now that I know about FCKEdit, I’ll try this plugin. Thanks for posting it.

    Sorry, correction:

    I used the RIGHT INDENT tag function.

    I think I have the same problem with safari. But it works in firefox. Nevertheless I would appreciate working with my preferred browser. Thanks!

    So far this problem continues. It isn’t altogether consistent, either, so I can’t even isolate the problem.

    I actually removed WordPress from one of my Websites and reverted to the old, static pages because I absolutely couldn’t get simple formatting like correct line breaks to appear after saving the text. The problem was persistent, but unpredictable. On one page, after probably 30 minutes, I managed to get my line break. On another page, after an hour, I couldn’t do it.

    This is a real deal-killer for a lot of people. If you can’t format your pages, what good is WordPress? I don’t know that other CMS programs do any better, but certainly inconsistent, unpredictable line breaking isn’t acceptable.

    I don’t see any WordPress people responding to this issue, either. Even a brief “We’re working on it”, or “Hey, it’s the *browser*, stupid” would be helpful.

    Yeah it is naff that WP are not saying anything but for what it’s worth, posting with firefox instead of Safari works for me now ??

    I’m having this problem too. I’m running WP 2.3.2 and I use FireFox on Windows Vista. Another extremely annoying problem I am running into with the default editor has to do with forms.

    I do wordpress installs for another company and most of the sites I set up have two different forms, one is a general “contact us” type form and the other is a form for making an appointment. Anyway, everytime I go into the editor to edit one of the form pages, the editor cuts off the “send” and “clear” buttons of the form. Every time I edit the form pages I have to add back in these buttons otherwise when I save my edits the forms will not be able to be submitted because there are no buttons.

    I haven’t tried the FCKEditor plugin yet and I think I will try that and see if that at least fixes the form problem. It would be nice if the WP people could come up with a fix for this though.

    This is mystifying – I need to add a class to img tags depending on the type of image. A standalone WP I use is OK with this, but the same code in a WP-MU install gets stripped out. GRRRR!

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