• When I switch between the “Visual” & “Code” view in WP or when I save a post, some of the formatting I have applied in the visual editor isn’t transferring (specifically the <p> tag).

    Let me clarify: <em> & <strong> tags DO transfer between views. <p> tag does not.

    For example, I am unable to hit the “enter” key two or three times between paragraphs because these paragraph (<p>) tags either aren’t being generated in WP or they aren’t present when I move between views. Therefore, when I save the page, these inserted unpopulated paragraph tags are lost.

    Another example: I can take a paragraph, designate it as “paragraph” under the formatting drop-down, and immediately see a change in the way the text is formatted in the “Visual” editor. When I switch to the “Code” editor to verify that the corresponding <p> code has been created, the <p> tags aren’t present. These <p> tags disappear whether I am switching views or actually saving the post.

    I have moved between WP 2.2. & 2.3.1 to no avail on this particular site. Furthermore, I have run WP on several other sites & not had this problem.

    Thoughts? Is this possibly some sort of server-related issue that I am unaware of?

    Any advice would be very much appreciated!

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  • moose56


    I get the problem is Safari 3.0, but it all works fine in FireFox 2



    I have switched to the TinyMCE Advanced editor, and now just create my content in Dreamweaver, and copy and paste the code. Usually only requires a tiny bit of cleanup. This has eliminated the problem for me.

    Under Profile uncheck the “Use the visual editor when writing” Works for me in Safari 3.0.4 and WP 2.3.3

    This same problem just happened to me. I use Firefox 2 and just installed WordPress 2.5-RC1.

    This may have happened when I hit upgrade button when I first started up 2.5-RC1.

    I tried to revert back to WordPress 2.3.2 (with the same database), and my login wasn’t even recognized.

    I enjoy the visual editor for the convenience and hope someone can find a solution to save us time from coding up our writing and switching back and forth between other text editors.

    I no longer have this issue.

    I just deactivated all of my plugins, deleted all of my WordPress files, and reuploaded them.

    I’ve learned my lesson about the importance of deactivating plugins before upgrading WordPress!

    I found a solution at https://www.scratch99.com/2007/06/wordpress-taming-the-advanced-editor/ . Unfortunately the solution that involved disabling the advance editor cleanup only worked in FireFox, not in Internet Explorer. This was my experience anyways.

    Just wanted to add my $0.02 —- been looking for a fix for this ALL morning (6+ hours straight AKKK!) and installing the FCKEditor plugin from Dean has FIXED this for me. I use Firefox on an XP machine and still had this problem.

    Apart from Safari related issues…
    There are WordPress filters, some of the activated in wp-includes/default-filters.php, and some of them used on other places.
    And as far as I know TinyMce can do it′s own filtering too, which would cause the deletion of tags while flipping between the WYSIWYG and HTML-code views. Checkout wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_config.php.

    And finally, another source for all the troubles could be the theme. The function “get_the_content” for example will strip paragraphs away. If paragraphs turn up correctly while using the default theme this could be the source of all troubles.


    Just thought I would let everyone know that the fix that I found was to use Safari on an XP machine. Crazy, but it works for me every time.

    Safari 3.1.2
    WP 2.5.1

    The TinyMCE Advanced plugin for wordpress has an option for TinyMCE to not remove p and br tags when saving or viewing in html mode. This works great for advanced editing and I believe fixes the problem in this post.

    Thank You very much aswdesigns!!!

    You saved my day!! TinyMCE advanced is the real solution for now!! Simply, intall it and go to Options and mark the “Stop removing <p> and br tags…….


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