• Resolved flofiwp


    1. where can i find a list what key / values can be added to yarpp_related() -> a full list with parameters?
    2. what to add in the following to have “consider_extra” for Headlines (key / value) to have the same like when i do this setting in the backend in dropdown for headlines.

                array('post_type' => array('post', 'news', 'focus'),
                    'show_pass_post' => true,
                    'past_only' => false,
                    'exclude' => array(),
                    'recent' => false,
                    'weight' => array('title' => 2, 'body' => 2),
                    'threshold' => 5,
                    'template' => 'yarpp-template-list.php',
                    'limit' => 3), false, true);

    Thanks in advance

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by flofiwp.
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  • Plugin Support Michael Nelson


    Hi @flofiwp,

    1. I vaguely remember there used to be a list hosted elsewhere but it disappeared. So we’re looking through the code and creating some documentation for it.

    2. You have 'title' => 2 which is the same as “Consider with extra weight” for titles. However, titles normally weigh in disproportionately less than the body or taxonomies because of how the MySQL full-text comparisons work. Eg if you set the match threshold to 1, and are only considering post titles, and two posts have the exact same post title, their relatedness score will probably be less than 1 (eg maybe 0.2) unless their titles are very long. So you might want to try putting even more weight on titles, like 4 or 5.

    Here’s what we have for documentation so far (still in progress). Let me know if you still have questions with it:


    YARPP allows the advanced user with knowledge of PHP to customize the display of related posts using a custom templating mechanism.
    Use the functions in includes/related_functions.php, notably:

    * yarpp_related, which gets the HTML for the related posts and displays it
    * yarpp_related_exist which checks any related content exists, or
    * yarpp_get_related which returns the list of related posts (WP_Post objects)

    Each of these functions will default to using the settings set on the YARPP admin page, but they can be overridden by using the first argument, $args. The following array keys can be passed in:

    * limit int indicating how many related items to return. Eg 10 will return at most 10 related posts/pages/products etc.
    * threshold float indicating the minimum level of “relatedness” in order for a post to be considered related. Eg 4 is reasonable if considered post bodies
    * show_pass_post boolean indicating whether to include password-protected posts. Eg true will include password-protected posts.
    * past_only boolean indicating whether to only include posts published before the reference post. Eg true means to only include posts published before the post for which we’re finding related content.
    * weight array with keys title or body, (whose value is an int), or tax whose value is an array whose keys are taxonomy names (eg category or tag) and their values are ints. Eg array('title' => 2, 'body' => 1, 'tax' => array('category' => 1, 'taxonomy' => 2)). The int values are multipliers, indicating how heavily to weigh each criteria. 1 is normal weight, 2 is extra weight.
    * exclude string|array list of term_taxonomy_ids. Any posts using any of those terms will never be included in related results. Eg "1,2,3" andarray(1,2,3)` both indicating that any posts using terms with term_taxonomy_id 1, 2 or 3 (regardless of whether they are categories, tags, or any custom taxonomy) will be excluded from YARPP’s related results.
    * require_tax array whose keys are taxonomies (eg “category” or “tag”) and whose values are the number required to be considered related. eg array('category' => 2) means, in order for another post to be considered related, it must share 2 categories in common with the reference post
    * recent string of [SQL interval](https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-interval/). Only posts within that time interval will be considered. Eg "1 WEEK" or "2 DAYS"
    * order string indicating a column on wp_posts to order by, then a comma, and whether to order in ascending (“ASC”) or descending (“DESC”). Eg post_title,ASC indicating to order by the post’s title, alphabetically (A to Z).
    * post_type string|array a string of a single post type, or an array of multiple post types to consider. Eg "page", or array("post", "page", "wc_product")

    yarpp_related, also uses the following:

    * domain string suggesting who called this. Mostly for internal use.
    * template string which theme/custom template to use. Built-in ones include “list”, “thumbnails”, or the name of a file in your active theme starting with yarpp-template-. Eg yarpp-template-videos.php.
    * promote_yarpp boolean indicating whether to add “Powered by Yet Another Related Posts Plugin” below related posts.

    Each function also accepts a $reference_ID, the ID of the post for which you want related posts. Defaults to using the $current_post.

    Show related posts, using all the settings set in the YARPP settings page:

    <?php  yarpp_related(); ?>

    Show at most 4 related WooCommerce products based on their title and especially on their categories. Use the custom template
    yarpp-related-wc-products.php which you added to your active theme.

            'limit' => 4,
            'weight' => array(
                'title' => 1,
                'tax' => array(
                    'category' => 2
            'post_type' => 'wc_product',
            'template' => 'yarpp-related-wc-products.php'

    Check for posts related to post with ID 123, and loop through them in order to do some more custom logic.

    $related_posts = yarpp_get_related(array(), 123);
        echo 'No related posts';
    } else {
        foreach($related_posts as $post){
            // $post is a WP_Post object.
            echo $post->post_title;
    Thread Starter flofiwp


    Hi Michael,
    thanks a lot.

    1. What are the limits on weight for titles and bodies?
    you wrote, we can try to set weight on titles, like 4 or 5
    Are values like 100 or 1000 also possible? What is the range?

    2. Pages and Custom Post Types normaly does not have Categories or Tags. What can you suggest if we want to exclude some Post and Pages and Custom Post Types from showing in YARPP? Add opportunity for pages and custom post types to add tags or categories and then disallow in YARPP setting in Backend either tags or categories? Or do you have a better idea?

    Thanks a lot and have a great day.


    1. Yes 100 and 1000 are also possible. But “consider titles” sets it to 1, “consider with extra weight” sets it to 2. So anything larger than 2 is unusual. While using the standard theme, YARPP will show the scores for each related item. You could try disabling all but one weight and seeing what the scores look like, to get a sense for how you’d like the algorithm to weigh each parameter.
    2. In order to exclude all posts of a specific post type from “the pool” (ie, never suggest them), you, for now, need to use the new setting: https://i.imgur.com/xQUZ6My.png
    We’ll investigate making it so you can exclude post types using yarpp_related too, but that will require some development time and I’m not sure how quickly that will be done.

    Thread Starter flofiwp


    thank a lot.

    In 2. i thought about disallow certain pages by categorories or tags.
    For posts that schould be possible, see screenshot https://imgur.com/a/9e0jbj3.

    Is it possible to add tags or categories to PAGES and custom post types and then disallow in YARPP settings in Backend this entries with defined tags or categories? Or do you have a better idea?


    Plugin Author YARPP


    p.s. documentation for YARPP functions() has been updated and published here:

    Plugin Support Michael Nelson


    Is it possible to add tags or categories to PAGES and custom post types and then disallow in YARPP settings in Backend this entries with defined tags or categories? Or do you have a better idea?

    Yes, you can use another plugin to add categories and tags to pages. Eg I used Post Tags and Categories for Pages successfully to do that once. But there seem to be other plugins that can do that quite nicely. (If you’re handy with code snippets, I bet you could find just the right bit of PHP code to do that too).

    Does that help @flofiwp ?

    Thread Starter flofiwp


    Hi all,
    thanks a lot for your help. We will try to adjust and try out all settings.
    Have a good week!

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