parse Advanced Custom Fields ACF
I have had troubles pretending to retrieve the fields in json so I’ve implemented a modification.
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The only file modified is models/post.php`
<?php function get_repeater_advanced_custom_field($key, $id, $meta_value){ $n = intval(get_post_custom_values($key, $id)[0]); $m = intval(sizeof($meta_value['sub_fields'])); $value = array(); for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){ $value[$i] = array(); for($j=0; $j<$m; $j++){ //$value[$i][$j] = $key.'_'.$i.'_'.$meta_value['sub_fields'][$j]['name']; switch ($meta_value['sub_fields'][$j]['type']) { case 'image': case 'website': case 'google_map': $value[$i][$j] = unserialize(get_post_custom_values($key.'_'.$i.'_'.$meta_value['sub_fields'][$j]['name'],$id)[0]); break; case 'color_picker': case 'email': case 'select': case 'text': case 'true_false': $value[$i][$j] = get_post_custom_values($key.'_'.$i.'_'.$meta_value['sub_fields'][$j]['name'],$id); break; default: $value[$i][$j] = $meta_value['sub_fields'][$j]['type']; break; } } } return $value; } function get_advanced_custom_field($key, $id){ global $wpdb; $myrows = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM <code>".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta</code> WHERE <code>meta_key</code> LIKE '".get_post_custom_values($key, $id)[0]."'" ); $myrows[0]->meta_value = unserialize($myrows[0]->meta_value); if(!$myrows) $value = get_post_custom_values($key, $id); else{ $value = $myrows[0]->meta_value['type']; switch ($myrows[0]->meta_value['type']) { case 'image': case 'website': case 'google_map': $value = unserialize(get_post_custom_values(substr($key, 1), $id)); break; case 'repeater': $value = get_repeater_advanced_custom_field(substr($key, 1), $id,$myrows[0]->meta_value); break; case 'color_picker': case 'email': case 'select': case 'text': case 'true_false': $value = get_post_custom_values(substr($key, 1), $id); break; default: $value = $myrows[0]->meta_value['type']; break; } } return $value; //return "acf"; } class JSON_API_Post { // Note: // JSON_API_Post objects must be instantiated within The Loop. var $id; // Integer var $type; // String var $slug; // String var $url; // String var $status; // String ("draft", "published", or "pending") var $title; // String var $title_plain; // String var $content; // String (modified by read_more query var) var $excerpt; // String var $date; // String (modified by date_format query var) var $modified; // String (modified by date_format query var) var $categories; // Array of objects var $tags; // Array of objects var $author; // Object var $comments; // Array of objects var $attachments; // Array of objects var $comment_count; // Integer var $comment_status; // String ("open" or "closed") var $thumbnail; // String var $custom_fields; // Object (included by using custom_fields query var) var $acf; // For Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) function JSON_API_Post($wp_post = null) { if (!empty($wp_post)) { $this->import_wp_object($wp_post); } do_action("json_api_{$this->type}_constructor", $this); } function create($values = null) { unset($values['id']); if (empty($values) || empty($values['title'])) { $values = array( 'title' => 'Untitled', 'content' => '' ); } return $this->save($values); } function update($values) { $values['id'] = $this->id; return $this->save($values); } function save($values = null) { global $json_api, $user_ID; $wp_values = array(); if (!empty($values['id'])) { $wp_values['ID'] = $values['id']; } if (!empty($values['type'])) { $wp_values['post_type'] = $values['type']; } if (!empty($values['status'])) { $wp_values['post_status'] = $values['status']; } if (!empty($values['title'])) { $wp_values['post_title'] = $values['title']; } if (!empty($values['content'])) { $wp_values['post_content'] = $values['content']; } if (!empty($values['author'])) { $author = $json_api->introspector->get_author_by_login($values['author']); $wp_values['post_author'] = $author->id; } if (isset($values['categories'])) { $categories = explode(',', $values['categories']); foreach ($categories as $category_slug) { $category_slug = trim($category_slug); $category = $json_api->introspector->get_category_by_slug($category_slug); if (empty($wp_values['post_category'])) { $wp_values['post_category'] = array($category->id); } else { array_push($wp_values['post_category'], $category->id); } } } if (isset($values['tags'])) { $tags = explode(',', $values['tags']); foreach ($tags as $tag_slug) { $tag_slug = trim($tag_slug); if (empty($wp_values['tags_input'])) { $wp_values['tags_input'] = array($tag_slug); } else { array_push($wp_values['tags_input'], $tag_slug); } } } if (isset($wp_values['ID'])) { $this->id = wp_update_post($wp_values); } else { $this->id = wp_insert_post($wp_values); } if (!empty($_FILES['attachment'])) { include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/media.php'; include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/image.php'; $attachment_id = media_handle_upload('attachment', $this->id); $this->attachments[] = new JSON_API_Attachment($attachment_id); unset($_FILES['attachment']); } $wp_post = get_post($this->id); $this->import_wp_object($wp_post); return $this->id; } function import_wp_object($wp_post) { global $json_api, $post; $date_format = $json_api->query->date_format; $this->id = (int) $wp_post->ID; setup_postdata($wp_post); $this->set_value('type', $wp_post->post_type); $this->set_value('slug', $wp_post->post_name); $this->set_value('url', get_permalink($this->id)); $this->set_value('status', $wp_post->post_status); $this->set_value('title', get_the_title($this->id)); $this->set_value('title_plain', strip_tags(@$this->title)); $this->set_content_value(); $this->set_value('excerpt', apply_filters('the_excerpt', get_the_excerpt())); $this->set_value('date', get_the_time($date_format)); $this->set_value('modified', date($date_format, strtotime($wp_post->post_modified))); $this->set_categories_value(); $this->set_tags_value(); $this->set_author_value($wp_post->post_author); $this->set_comments_value(); $this->set_attachments_value(); $this->set_value('comment_count', (int) $wp_post->comment_count); $this->set_value('comment_status', $wp_post->comment_status); $this->set_thumbnail_value(); $this->set_custom_fields_value(); $this->set_custom_taxonomies($wp_post->post_type); do_action("json_api_import_wp_post", $this, $wp_post); } function set_value($key, $value) { global $json_api; if ($json_api->include_value($key)) { $this->$key = $value; } else { unset($this->$key); } } function set_content_value() { global $json_api; if ($json_api->include_value('content')) { $content = get_the_content($json_api->query->read_more); $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content); $this->content = $content; } else { unset($this->content); } } function set_categories_value() { global $json_api; if ($json_api->include_value('categories')) { $this->categories = array(); if ($wp_categories = get_the_category($this->id)) { foreach ($wp_categories as $wp_category) { $category = new JSON_API_Category($wp_category); if ($category->id == 1 && $category->slug == 'uncategorized') { // Skip the 'uncategorized' category continue; } $this->categories[] = $category; } } } else { unset($this->categories); } } function set_tags_value() { global $json_api; if ($json_api->include_value('tags')) { $this->tags = array(); if ($wp_tags = get_the_tags($this->id)) { foreach ($wp_tags as $wp_tag) { $this->tags[] = new JSON_API_Tag($wp_tag); } } } else { unset($this->tags); } } function set_author_value($author_id) { global $json_api; if ($json_api->include_value('author')) { $this->author = new JSON_API_Author($author_id); } else { unset($this->author); } } function set_comments_value() { global $json_api; if ($json_api->include_value('comments')) { $this->comments = $json_api->introspector->get_comments($this->id); } else { unset($this->comments); } } function set_attachments_value() { global $json_api; if ($json_api->include_value('attachments')) { $this->attachments = $json_api->introspector->get_attachments($this->id); } else { unset($this->attachments); } } function set_thumbnail_value() { global $json_api; if (!$json_api->include_value('thumbnail') || !function_exists('get_post_thumbnail_id')) { unset($this->thumbnail); return; } $attachment_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($this->id); if (!$attachment_id) { unset($this->thumbnail); return; } $thumbnail_size = $this->get_thumbnail_size(); $this->thumbnail_size = $thumbnail_size; $attachment = $json_api->introspector->get_attachment($attachment_id); $image = $attachment->images[$thumbnail_size]; $this->thumbnail = $image->url; $this->thumbnail_images = $attachment->images; } function set_custom_fields_value() { global $json_api; if ($json_api->include_value('custom_fields')) { $wp_custom_fields = get_post_custom($this->id); $this->custom_fields = new stdClass(); if ($json_api->query->custom_fields) { $keys = explode(',', $json_api->query->custom_fields); } foreach ($wp_custom_fields as $key => $value) { if ($json_api->query->custom_fields) { if (in_array($key, $keys)) { $this->custom_fields->$key = $wp_custom_fields[$key]; } } else if (substr($key, 0, 1) != '_') { $this->custom_fields->$key = $wp_custom_fields[$key]; } } } else { unset($this->custom_fields); } if($json_api->include_value('acf')){ $wp_custom_fields = get_post_custom_keys($this->id); $this->acf = new stdClass(); if ($json_api->query->custom_fields) { $keys = explode(',', $json_api->query->custom_fields); } foreach ($wp_custom_fields as $key => $value) { if ($json_api->query->custom_fields) { if (in_array($key, $keys)) { $this->acf->$key = $wp_custom_fields[$key]; } } else if (substr($wp_custom_fields[$key], 0, 1) != '_') { //$this->acf->$wp_custom_fields[$key] = get_post_custom_values($wp_custom_fields[$key], $this->id); } else if (substr($wp_custom_fields[$key], 0, 1) == '_'){ $this->acf->$wp_custom_fields[$key] = get_advanced_custom_field($wp_custom_fields[$key],$this->id); } } } else { unset($this->acf); } } function set_custom_taxonomies($type) { global $json_api; $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array( 'object_type' => array($type), 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ), 'objects'); foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy_id => $taxonomy) { $taxonomy_key = "taxonomy_$taxonomy_id"; if (!$json_api->include_value($taxonomy_key)) { continue; } $taxonomy_class = $taxonomy->hierarchical ? 'JSON_API_Category' : 'JSON_API_Tag'; $terms = get_the_terms($this->id, $taxonomy_id); $this->$taxonomy_key = array(); if (!empty($terms)) { $taxonomy_terms = array(); foreach ($terms as $term) { $taxonomy_terms[] = new $taxonomy_class($term); } $this->$taxonomy_key = $taxonomy_terms; } } } function get_thumbnail_size() { global $json_api; if ($json_api->query->thumbnail_size) { return $json_api->query->thumbnail_size; } else if (function_exists('get_intermediate_image_sizes')) { $sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes(); if (in_array('post-thumbnail', $sizes)) { return 'post-thumbnail'; } } return 'thumbnail'; } } ?>
For your consideration.
Hi Andres,
I’ve been having some issues with repeater fields and the JSON API plugin. You’re code seems to deal with this. My issue is that the nesting of the JSON object is a bit weird. When I finally got the ACF fields (with the right sorting), it looks like:
“multiple_galleries_1_case_gallery”: [
]is this something you tried to fix? I’ve been spending all day trying to figure out how to get my ID’s out of this weird output.
Best regards
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