Off topic for a minute. I do that a lot, usually while having my 1st cup of coffee.
I told you about this error and my mission is complete after bug report. I write to you “bugs!!”, give you 1 star and can go away.
Your “mission”? I guess we all have our own little hobbies. ??
Those reviews you left where you wrote “Bugs!!” and left on star? Every single review you have left like that has been deleted. Those reviews are considered abusive and not helpful at all. You left over 100 reviews like that for over 100 plugins.
From all of those deleted reviews it appears that your installation has a lot of problems.
Now this support thread? This is the right place to report bugs. Don’t use the review system for that or soliciting support. That’s not what the reviews are for.
Just reporting a bug and “go away” without taking the time to do some small testing how valuable is that really?
sateffen took your report and confirmed it may be bug in his plugin *raises coffee mug in appreciation*. But the plugin will not get a new version number until you’ve confirmed that that fix works.
If you think that yelling “BUG!” and not doing anything after that adds any value then you’re mistaken. If that’s all that you will do then I can close this post and mark it resolved. Possibly your other support bug reports as well.