Thanks everyone for your help but it is fixed now. For all the newbies who are as slow as I am technologically, this is what I did.
I couldn’t login so I went to the cpanel section in blue host. I went to file manager–>selected web root–> then went to the wp-content–>themes–> found my theme and renamed it by adding a “2” at the end.
Like whooami said this will revert your theme to the WP default. From there, I was able to login to my dashboard from having my login saved as a favorite (but you should be able to do so through the wordpress site as well).
I found my same theme and installed it again. So now, I have the old version of the theme and the new/fresh version of the theme installed.
I went to Themes editor and selected the latest theme version which was just Simply Indy. My error said that it was in the functions.php file so I opened that file, selected all and copied it. Then I went to my old theme version from the drop down menu at the top (Simple Indy 2), opened the functions.php file, deleted what was in it, and pasted the file from the latest version.
Then I went to my Simple Indy 2 theme and re-activated it.
There were just a few minor customizations that I had made in this file so it took me no time to get it working.
My site is back up!!!! Thanks you guys for your help.