• Resolved rmunsky



    i tried WPSolr integration. It works like a charme. I can also index attachements and pdfs. When i exchange the standard search by the ajax powered solr search form, all is fine.

    But. I need to search inside epubs (works) but need to present in which epub xhtml page (listed and linked in toc.ncx) the search term was found. All i get right now is that an attachement includes the search term inside the epub.

    My workaround for now is:
    extract the epub complete via apacha tike, store the extract plain text in an acf field.

    extract the epub, search for the toc.ncx, parse it, follow all chapter xhtml, index them, add all extracted plain text in a acf repeater field.

    i attached all of this to a post_save hook, i have a setting to activate it and to ensure tikka lib is there. i also store the attachements change date so i know if i need to re-extract the epub or not. i also have a meta box on the post that i see what the index state of the post if it has an epub attachement at all.

    then i include the all plain text (complete epub) in my wp search via meta query. if i find the term, i can check if its in the title or body or the special all-plain-extracted-text acf field.

    if so, i can loop over all repeater fields from all single extracted pages of the epub and so i can present the user a nice view and jump into an article directly inside the epub.

    i packaged all in a plugin, seems to work, but maybe there is a more easy way?

    thats all only cause i dont get the epub extracted in solr and dont get the some more search meta like occurence in the epub from solr via std search with WPsolr.

    Does anyone know how to change the wpsolr integration to show some more detailed search result and also to deal with occurences within an epub?


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  • Plugin Author WPSolr free


    See last comment in how-should-i-index-a-book-in-solr:

    How would YOU know it’s a chapter? You need to feed Solr the documents at the level of granularity you want to find. If it’s a sentence, your document is a sentence. If it’s a chapter, your document is a chapter. So, it’s up to you how you split it; Solr does not provide any magic for that part. Though, you may want to look into parent/child block-indexing for some advanced possibilities with chapter/sentence grouping/searching.

    Results returned by a Solr search are documents.
    If you want to display results as chapters of an ebook, then you need to map chapters to Solr documents.

    To do so, there are probably many “split” solutions:
    – Extract the epub chapters in posts
    – Extract the epub chapters in custom posts
    – Split the epub attachment in chapters attachments
    (there are perhaps wordpress plugins to take care of that)

    This “split” phase is the custom part. After that, WPSOLR will index your posts/custom posts/chapters attachments as usual (no customisation).

    Thread Starter rmunsky



    thanks for the answer! So I’m on the right track, i wanted to ensure that what i do can be done much easier. So i define my document scope, so i split my epubs if i want to index them separately. Your explanation is fine. Solr indexes whatever you send and stores correctly in the attachement post “scope”.

    I was just wondering if solr would store somewhere the xhtml page it get the extracted data from. So that i could get some more “occurence” as just the attachement post.

    I’ fine with that. Its also straight forward how wordpress solr integration is treating the submitted docs its asked to be indexed.

    >This “split” phase is the custom part.
    its what i did actually in my plugin to get the details of the epub.

    Plugin Author WPSolr free


    If you publish your plugin here, I’d be keen to see if I can integrate it with WPSOLR (as “groups” and “s2member”)

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