• Hi.
    I’m havin som difficulties with my header image. I have a .png header image which is partly transparent because I want the background image to be visible through the header. But thr header consist on having a white background…?

    please help.

    the site:

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  • formtofollow,

    The CSS needs to be cleaned up quite a bit but the problem here is that the white background is an image. For a quick fix add the following:

    #page {
       margin: 200px auto;
    #header {
       position: relative;
       top: -200px;

    Again this is a quick, temporary fix that may not be accessible by all browsers but it should be enough to allow time to make full corrections to the style sheet code.

    Hi doc4

    I have a similar problem, where the header should be semi transparent but needs to stay at the very top of the page.

    I think it almost works, there is only this wide background image in the way – I think.

    any ideas??



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