• So I have this little form that collects user’s email address and then I have this amazingly clever redirect that goes to another page and automatically fills in email value in a different, larger form:

    on_sent_ok: "var datmail = $('.wpcf7 input[name=regemail]').val();location.replace('https://domain/page/?regemail='+datmail+'');"

    And this generally works like a charm. Until I tried to call form shortcode in popup (I’m using Popups 1.3.3). Form executes, redirect works, everything looks fine, it’s just field value is no longer acquired and passed. How so?


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  • Hi!
    It may be too little too late, but I had the exact same problem and this is the ONLY place I ever found a reference to it.

    My situation is a little different, as I am using Popup Maker, but perhaps my solution will help. It’s stupidly easy (in my case) and I spent too much time figuring it out…

    So, it’s this: just add the ID of your popup before the ID of your input.

    Here’s my code. It closes the popup, redirects, writes to console and sets a cookie.

    // Replace form_7 with the # of your form to ensure
            function _cf7_form_7_on_sent_ok_() {
    			var email = jQuery('#popmake-5669 #email').val();
    			* Close the popup after a 5 second delay.
    			setTimeout(function () {
    				location = 'https://beta.bootprints.com/local-edition-signup/?email='+email;
    			}, 5000); // 5 seconds

    And then, for on_sent_ok i just call the function, which lives in my functions file and gets added to wp_footer.

    That’s it. I hope this helps someone.

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