• folks, after a lotta time reworking and redesigning, i’ve relaunched PassingNotes
    it’s at: https://www.passingnotes.com
    it’s 3 columns, but all css, zero tables (except for the forums)
    site is for research people, so some of you might really enjoy it. basically tons of articles i’ve written for magazines along with harsh commentary, jaded opinions, irreverence, perversion, etc – but all for and about the world of research. the site has been around since 2000 (actually several years earlier), but i decided to do the whole thing over in wordpress and now it kicks ass from a writer’s point of view (and as site admin, equally simple)…
    could not have done it without this genius developer: david clark
    the forums are driven by opensource forum tools, and that huge research web directory is actually a completely different application that was hacked to hell to fit into the site, like way, way hacked.
    all thoughts, comments and opinions welcome. it is VERY low graphics volume because research types don’t like to wait for anything to load up and hate image laden information sites (these are typically the people who find their way around using ‘site maps’ and not site search engines…)

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  • “could not have done it without this genius developer: david clark”
    *Nor, I might add, without Root’s 3-col template.*
    Okay in IE6.0. The cream colored containers, “Research Forums” and “Main Forums” break right in Firefox(nightly), and Opera7.5.1.
    Trimming the width of #rmenu from 125 to 120px brought them back into the container for me; however, this is only a quick fix– needs more serious consideration. I hope all those research people have magnifying glasses, because them they will need them when viewing the site in IE. The font-size for both the left & right columns is painfully small. And since it’s set in pixels, it ain’t gonna
    zoom in Internet Explorer.

    “could not have done it without this genius developer: david clark”
    *Nor, I might add, without Root’s 3-col template.*
    Okay in IE6.0. The cream colored containers, “Research Forums” and “Main Forums” break right in Firefox(nightly), and Opera7.5.1.
    Trimming the width of #rmenu from 125 to 120px brought them back into the container for me; however, this is only a quick fix– needs more serious consideration. I hope all those research people have magnifying glasses, because them they will need them when viewing the site in IE. The font-size for both the left & right columns is painfully small. And since it’s set in pixels, it ain’t gonna
    zoom in Internet Explorer.

    YES – SORRY! and root’s 3column – though the major hack was a rework of the footer to accomodate floats in the css..
    and still screwing around with those measurements (aware of the firefox issue with flags over to the right)
    the font for the menu options may be resolved soon with a basic edit and switch to all caps (shorter titles, simple idea, not sure i want them wrapping to multiple lines…)
    and root, i agree about not reducing the width of rmenu – i’d rather just switch to CAPS for readability, or some variation of font..

    There is NEVER any need to do anything to position the *gasp* footer on any of my templates. ?? The major *hack* you may recall was encouraging you to abandon your attempts to clear an absolutely positioned element. As I recall. The *firefox issue* is an *IE* issue. I havent looked but I bet there is padding in there which could come out. The fonts thing is that although ems are highly desireable they do not work with a fixed width colored column template which Trident is. But hack away by all means . ?? Can’t stop I am doing stuff

    thanks…did a quick switch to all caps to make it easier for people to read, and the footer stuff was mostly related to integrating that web research guide item and a few wp hacks…didn’t actually code it myself..there was an original 3 column design and css that had been on the site before but did not resolve the float vertically and so it wound up become a major issue for readers (visually annoying)
    however, what i just want to comment on here is the following: the guy who rewrote the css is not actually a designer at all, he’s a developer BUT was able to get his arms around it in a matter of days and use not only the new 3column layout, but also salvage all of the original design elements and constraints…
    at any rate, would still appreciate any additional OVERALL commentary and feedback (coloration, logic in navigation, etc..)
    …and not quite sure what to do about the firefox issue (or the opera issue) – seems that if it can in fact be completely read and used but with a minor issue on the right side, then i might have to leave it that way for a little while…you know? kind of like meeting a perfectly brilliant knockout girl who only appears to have bad skin under harsh fluourescent lighting (uh, that was a stupid ass analogy ??

    Thread Starter passingnotes


    okay, i’ve now made some quick changes per your feedback: specifically, raised size of fonts for all left and right navigation (edited some of those titles)
    revised is up at https://www.passingnotes.com
    as for the right column in opera and firefox, going to 120 from 125 doesn’t do it…might continue to screw around with it – main piece of torture is doing to pixel by pixel manipulations and continuously refreshing to see effect on layout…but whatever.
    any other commentary or feedback regarding overall color display, navigation, overall css, use of WP features (or lack of use of certain features) and so on?
    thanks in advance

    Good grief.
    Fixing stuff for people who have a pro working for them pisses me off.
    Change float right to float left
    Change width from 125 to 120px
    Delete padding
    Delete margin
    Add this to your style sheet
    margin-left 6px
    padding 0
    In document index.php
    Open division id rmenu-padding-margin immediately below
    division id rmenu
    Close division id rmenu-padding-margin immediately above
    the close of division id rmenu
    Send an invoice to your designer for services rendered in keeping your layout from breaking Firefox and Opera.

    No that’ll never do it. ?? Sorry. The box is breaking out. How can reducing the menu fix that ? ??

    Are we talking about the same box?
    see: https://www.dlaakso.com/blog/untitled.html

    All looks super cool and that certainly fixes it. Arguably it wastes 10px of width. This is a straight error in the math. The rmenu has a width of 125 plus lateral padding of 10px combined. The box has a width of 126 plus padding all round of 3px. plus a 1px border. Those figures do not add up. Apply the box model for IE and they are way out.

    Looks fine. Sorry to be a bit distracted. There is a bit of a ding dong going on on my blog.

    passingnotes, couple of changes made in the CSS file (embedded), no changes in the index.php:

    Thread Starter passingnotes


    okay, i don’t mind you tinkering with the site css – but the design css elements (boxes, coloration et al) are passingnotes elements, as is ALL of the content which you have put up on your site. please remove all of that content, it’s gonna freak out my content contributors and also completely denies me of my clearly stated copyrights as explained on the site (i don’t blog about blogs, it’s all original content, that’s the whole point of the site ??
    thanks. seriously, thanks for taking a look at the css issue…just would prefer that if you’re going that route, it not be a reproduction of the site including content on some other domain…

    passingnotes: You’re concerned about your content being copied elsewhere (though it was done solely to help you). Therefore you will understand the request to credit and link to WordPress somewhere on the site, if not in the footer, than at least on the “about” page.

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