• Resolved wtechrbr


    Configured the plugin for new client. Has an 8 char password, but when the settings are saved the password looks like it has been changed to something that is 19 characters. The test emails are failing, so this is the first thing we’re looking at to investigate the issue. Any ideas?

    We also have modified the port, purged the cache and tried it on a different browser. The site is not yet publicly visible, so unable to share link.

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  • mbrsolution


    Hi, the 19 characters you see in your password settings is the way the plugin protects the e-mail.

    Can you enable Debug Log, then carry out another test. Afterwards can you check the log files.

    Thank you



    Hello, I’m having the same problem. I did as you instructed to wtechrbr. My log at least comes up as empty.



    @reseliz, can you start a new support thread. It is always easy to manage an individual issue.

    Thank you

    Alexander C.


    Hey gentlemen, greetings.

    As @mbrsolution already stated, your actual password is replaced with “#easywpsmtpgagpass#” in the password input on Settings page just to protect it. Otherwise anyone who has the access to that page can just see the source code of the page and get your actual password. So even when you enter 1 symbol password, it would still be displayed as if it has 19 symbols. So this is NOT the reason it’s not working.

    Now let’s try to get this solved ?? . First of all, when you enter all your settings, click “Save” button and try to send test email from the bottom of settings page, what do you see in the log on the top of the page?

    Thread Starter wtechrbr


    Thanks for the insight/affirmation on the password replacement. I suspected that was the case, but wanted to eliminate it as a possible contender for the issue. We pressed on and started messing with the available ports on our end and fixed it that way.



    @wtechrbr, that is good to hear that you have resolved your issue.

    Perhaps if you don’t mind, would you be able to share your solution. This is mainly for others that might run into the same or similar issue as yourself.

    Thank you

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