• I recently discovered that all of my password protected entries are appearing in google and other search engines. the full entryu is available. no password is required except to view the comments.

    i don’t have to explain the consequences of this…what can i do to fix this? i have since deleted the entries and they are still appearing.

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  • Umm, change your name? Sell the domain name to someone else quickly so your name isn’t on the whois? Bribe goog and the other search engines and web cache sites with HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY to remove your pages from their archive? Disguise yourself? Move to a place where the internet isn’t? Hide the razor blades?

    Good luck.

    You don’t need even a password to view the RSS of your comments. Google has captured them too.

    Why has it happened? RSS, probably. You might want to ask Google to remove thie entries for you if you are that concerned about them.

    Add a “noarchive” flag to your robots meta if you dpn’t want anything cached.

    While I can empathize with the distress that the OP is feeling, I really think it needs to be pointed out again FIRMLY:

    If you want privacy, DO NOT PUT YOUR STUFF ONLINE.

    There is no such thing as “private” online. Not under any circumstances is it possible. Well, maybe if you’re a government or a creditcard issuer, or some such. For “normal” folks? Nope.

    You want private? Don’t do online….

    Thread Starter futurecatlady


    perhaps i was not clear enough..call me crazy but i thought password protected would mean that the posts would..i don’t know..be protected with a password.

    the posts itself are not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. i am just wondering how this has happened and what can be done so that the password protected option may actually work next time. thanks for the lectures and sarcasm though.

    How it’s happened: passwords are for people. If you don’t disable access to your whole site for SEs etc. using the available tools, then your password protected posts as you’ve already found are not at all private. SEs don’t do passwords. SEs do (sometimes) robots.txt, .htaccess, and so on.

    Sarcasm? No. Just how it is.

    Thread Starter futurecatlady


    thank you. that was a better answer than move away and change your name.

    Next time? Don’t put stuff you don’t want others (i.e, the world) seeing online. It’s pretty simple. Call it a lecture, but it might save your ass from a stalker when he/she/it comes after you.

    Sure, what you guys say is true in an advistory/absolute sense. Don’t put your credit card number online, okay. But what about your family pictures, or your love notes, or your To-Do List, or your illness weblog?

    With a few measures taken, people CAN use WordPress for your personal diary, NOT use it to attract visitors, stay OUT of most search engines. Perhaps a better answer to the original poster’s question is how to accomplish a modicum of privacy for those who want such utility from WordPress (while understanding that the material is still on the internet and potentially accessible).

    A very good essay on the Codex would be: _Privacy: Tips and Warnings_

    My point is that WordPress doesn’t have to fit 1 narrow definition of public blog competing for the most possible viewers. You can be relatively private with it if you want to. Finding out how, would be a good use for this thread.

    For starters… (and the codex & forum should tell you this)

    1. Disable all the RSS features (you will need to delete some of the wordpress files on your server). Another thread on the forum explains how, search for it w/ google.

    2. make a Robots.txt file in the root level of your server, and tell search engines to ignore your private-blog folder. Look up robots.txt on google to figure out how.

    p.s. because your current site has already been compromised, you might want to change the folder of your WordPress and change the URL’s/permalinks, or just reinstall in another place; if that’s not going to cause you some other problems.

    wow, and i thought i was rude. The original poster prolly didnt need your reply, kickass. even I am inclined to believe that PASSWORD PROTECTED posts mean theyre not accessable except by password.

    Isnt that the whole fucking purpose? dare I add that there are web apps out there that also take care of protecting password protected entries’ feeds (phpbb for one)

    wow, and i thought i was rude. The original poster prolly didnt need your reply, kickass. even I am inclined to believe that PASSWORD PROTECTED posts mean theyre not accessable except by password.

    Well, more fool the original poster huh? This just goes to show what an insecure and poorly thought-out piece of sh*t RSS truly is. Why secure something when that glorious little W3C-approved cockup is broadcasting to anyone who cares to listen? Including Google…

    Posts are in a datbase so a password protect post should remain protected from view — e.g. Google won’t be able to do any magic to grab the text. If the text leaked then it could be via plugin, RSS feeds, or possibly happened before you posts were set to have passwords. I can’t think of any other way it could happen.

    As for those who were rude, sheesh. Count to 10,000 before you respond here unless you have an answer to a direct question.

    Wow I cant believe all the rude and insensitive responses that came out here. Amazing.

    Rude? Nah, not really..it obviously isn’t that bad, now if I posted something…most likely it would have been moderated out LOL!

    If the text leaked then it could be via plugin, RSS feeds, or possibly happened before you posts were set to have passwords.

    Yeah, that’s possibe, that’s what I was thinking too.. ??

    They were just merely speaking the truth though, if someone doesn’t want their stuff seen or noticed, then don’t post it online. Things tend to get seen or noticed anyways.. sigh. Sad, but true!


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