Yes that’s possible using a bit of coding:
1. Create an empty plugin like this: Github
2. Add the following code to the end of it:
add_filter ('wppb_recover_password_message_content_sent_to_user2', 'wppbc_remove_password',10,4);
function wppbc_remove_password ($recoveruserMailMessage2, $display_username_email, $new_pass, $userID)
$recoveruserMailMessage2 = __( 'You have successfully reset your password.', 'profilebuilder' );
return $recoveruserMailMessage2;
3. Install this plugin via FTP (copy it inside wp-content/plugins) or create a zip archive with it and install it via the WordPress plugin upload functionality.
Also this can be achieved with Profile Builder Pro – Module User e-mail customizer (read more here)
If you need help with any of this, please let me know!
Best regards,