• Resolved terig


    I’m having trouble with the WordPress Lost Password functionality when this plugin is enabled.

    If you enter a username, the password reset processes normally. If you enter an email address and click the “Get New Password” button, the (url)/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword page doesn’t finish loading and doesn’t send the email notification to the user.

    If I disable this plugin, it works just like it should when using the email address (and username).

    The password reset in Membership Works is working just fine. It’s just the WordPress passwords and just by email address that doesn’t work.

    I’m not seeing anything relevant in the logs or debug.

    Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Author MembershipWorks


    Hi Teri!

    When you install this plugin, you are trying to link the MembershipWorks login and WordPress login. Hence when a password is requested, it is assuming a member needs to reset the password, and it will forward the request to MembershipWorks. Due to this you would not be able to reset passwords for a WordPress user that is not a MembershipWorks member.

    Do determine if you need this plugin – the [memberonly] feature no longer requires this plugin, so this plugin is only necessary if you need WP user accounts for members and/or the MembershipWorks login/logout widget.

    Thread Starter terig


    Ah-ha. So it is all or nothing. Got it! We have a few users from before we set up MembershipWorks and those are indeed the users that are having this problem.

    Thank you!

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