• Friends,

    I am trying to find out if there is a way to password protect the editing of certain pages to an individual. Our organization has committees with different people responsible for topics. I’m trying to figure out how to limit editing a page like Joint Commission to just that committee chair. I want to be able to make it so they can load files to the Media Library and also edit the text on the specific page. Even if I can just get them to edit the page and email me the files to upload to the Media then that would be fine.

    All I find is plugins for limiting viewing of content. I want everyone to see but I don’t want people running amok on my newly created website.


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  • Hi Julie,

    If I understand it correct, you are wishing to limit editing capability (of certain pages) only to certain users.

    You can add such members as ‘Editors’ and make people with no editing rights as ‘Subscribers’. However, the subscribers lose all their editing rights.

    A per-post-editing-capability is something not natively supported by wordpress. You may have to find a plugin that does it for you or else, dig into the code yourself.



    Did you ever find an answer to your question? I have exactly the same issue here…

    Any light you could shed on this would be greatly appreciated!


    Moderator cubecolour


    Closest thing I now of is https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/restrict-categories/ which limits users to posts in specific categories. I’m not aware of a way of doing similar with pages

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