Patch to add "rewrite=>with_front" functionality
I needed this feature in my version of CPT UI. Here’s a simple patch to add it. Hopefully it will be added to the released version, I don’t see a reason not to.
MarcIndex: custom-post-type-ui.php =================================================================== --- custom-post-type-ui.php (revision 651445) +++ custom-post-type-ui.php (working copy) @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ 'capability_type' => $cpt_post_type["capability_type"], 'hierarchical' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["hierarchical"]), 'exclude_from_search' => $cpt_exclude_from_search, - 'rewrite' => array('slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug), + 'rewrite' => array('slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug, 'with_front' => $cpt_post_type["rewrite_with_front"] ), 'query_var' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["query_var"]), 'description' => esc_html($cpt_post_type["description"]), 'menu_position' => $cpt_menu_position, @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ 'label' => $cpt_label, 'show_ui' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["show_ui"]), 'query_var' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["query_var"]), - 'rewrite' => array('slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug), + 'rewrite' => array('slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug, 'with_front' => $cpt_tax_type["rewrite_with_front"] ), 'singular_label' => $cpt_singular_label, 'labels' => $cpt_labels ) ); @@ -553,6 +553,7 @@ <th><?php _e('Show UI', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Hierarchical', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Rewrite', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> + <th><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin' );?></th> <th><?php _e('Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Total Published', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Total Drafts', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> @@ -568,6 +569,7 @@ <th><?php _e('Show UI', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Hierarchical', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Rewrite', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> + <th><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin' );?></th> <th><?php _e('Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Total Published', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Total Drafts', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> @@ -597,6 +599,7 @@ <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["show_ui"]); ?></td> <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["hierarchical"]); ?></td> <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["rewrite"]); ?></td> + <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["rewrite_with_front"]); ?></td> <td valign="top"><?php echo $rewrite_slug; ?></td> <td valign="top"><?php echo $cpt_counts->publish; ?></td> <td valign="top"><?php echo $cpt_counts->draft; ?></td> @@ -663,7 +666,7 @@ $custom_post_type .= '\'show_in_menu\' => ' .$cpt_show_in_menu .','; $custom_post_type .= '\'capability_type\' => \''.$cpt_post_type["capability_type"].'\','; $custom_post_type .= '\'hierarchical\' => '.disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["hierarchical"]).','; - $custom_post_type .= '\'rewrite\' => array(\'slug\' => \'' .$cpt_post_type["rewrite_slug"]. '\'),'; + $custom_post_type .= '\'rewrite\' => array(\'slug\' => \'' .$cpt_post_type["rewrite_slug"]. '\', \'with_front\' => \'' .$cpt_post_type["rewrite_with_front"]. '\'),'; $custom_post_type .= '\'query_var\' => '. disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["query_var"]).','; if ( $cpt_post_type["has_archive"] ) { @@ -822,6 +825,7 @@ <th><?php _e('Hierarchical', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Show UI', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Rewrite', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> + <th><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> </tr> </thead> @@ -835,6 +839,7 @@ <th><?php _e('Hierarchical', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Show UI', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Rewrite', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> + <th><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> <th><?php _e('Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin');?></th> </tr> </tfoot> @@ -869,6 +874,7 @@ <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["hierarchical"]); ?></td> <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["show_ui"]); ?></td> <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["rewrite"]); ?></td> + <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["rewrite_with_front"]); ?></td> <td valign="top"><?php echo $rewrite_slug; ?></td> </tr> <tr> @@ -905,7 +911,7 @@ $custom_tax .= '\'label\' => \''.$cpt_label.'\','; $custom_tax .= '\'show_ui\' => '.disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["show_ui"]).','; $custom_tax .= '\'query_var\' => '. disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["query_var"]).','; - $custom_tax .= '\'rewrite\' => array(\'slug\' => \'' .$cpt_tax_type["rewrite_slug"]. '\'),'; + $custom_tax .= '\'rewrite\' => array(\'slug\' => \'' .$cpt_tax_type["rewrite_slug"]. '\', \'with_front\' => \'' .$cpt_tax_type["rewrite_with_front"]. '\'),'; $custom_tax .= '\'singular_label\' => \''.$cpt_singular_label.'\''; $custom_tax .= ') );'; @@ -961,6 +967,7 @@ $cpt_capability = $cpt_options[$editType]["capability_type"]; $cpt_hierarchical = $cpt_options[$editType]["hierarchical"]; $cpt_rewrite = $cpt_options[$editType]["rewrite"]; + $cpt_rewrite_with_front = $cpt_options[$editType]["rewrite_with_front"]; $cpt_rewrite_slug = $cpt_options[$editType]["rewrite_slug"]; $cpt_query_var = $cpt_options[$editType]["query_var"]; $cpt_description = $cpt_options[$editType]["description"]; @@ -996,6 +1003,7 @@ $cpt_tax_showui = $cpt_options[$editTax]["show_ui"]; $cpt_tax_query_var = $cpt_options[$editTax]["query_var"]; $cpt_tax_rewrite = $cpt_options[$editTax]["rewrite"]; + $cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front = $cpt_options[$editTax]["rewrite_with_front"]; $cpt_tax_rewrite_slug = $cpt_options[$editTax]["rewrite_slug"]; $cpt_tax_labels = $cpt_options[$editTax][0]; $cpt_post_types = $cpt_options[$editTax][1]; @@ -1225,6 +1233,16 @@ </tr> <tr valign="top"> + <th scope="row"><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin') ?></th> + <td> + <SELECT name="cpt_custom_post_type[rewrite_with_front]" tabindex="8"> + <OPTION value="0" <?php If (isset($cpt_rewrite_with_front)) { If ($cpt_rewrite_with_front == 0 && $cpt_rewrite_with_front != '') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } } ?>>False</OPTION> + <OPTION value="1" <?php If (isset($cpt_rewrite_with_front)) { If ($cpt_rewrite_with_front == 1 || is_null($cpt_rewrite_with_front)) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } }Else{ echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>>True</OPTION> + </SELECT> <a href="#" title="" style="cursor: help;">?</a> (default: True) + </td> + </tr> + + <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Custom Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin') ?></th> <td><input type="text" name="cpt_custom_post_type[rewrite_slug]" tabindex="9" value="<?php If (isset($cpt_rewrite_slug)) { echo esc_attr($cpt_rewrite_slug); } ?>" /> <a href="#" title="Custom Post Type Rewrite Slug" style="cursor: help;">?</a> (default: post type name)</td> </tr> @@ -1469,6 +1487,15 @@ </tr> <tr valign="top"> + <th scope="row"><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin') ?></th> + <td> + <SELECT name="cpt_custom_tax[rewrite_with_front]" tabindex="28"> + <OPTION value="0" <?php If (isset($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front)) { If ($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front == 0 && $cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front != '') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } } ?>>False</OPTION> + <OPTION value="1" <?php If (isset($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front)) { If ($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front == 1 || is_null($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front)) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } }Else{ echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>>True</OPTION> + </SELECT> <a href="#" title="" style="cursor: help;">?</a> (default: True) + </td> + </tr><br /> + <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Custom Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin') ?></th> <td><input type="text" name="cpt_custom_tax[rewrite_slug]" tabindex="9" value="<?php If (isset($cpt_tax_rewrite_slug)) { echo esc_attr($cpt_tax_rewrite_slug); } ?>" /> <a href="#" title="Custom Taxonomy Rewrite Slug" style="cursor: help;">?</a> (default: taxonomy name)</td> </tr>
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