• Resolved MarcGuay


    I needed this feature in my version of CPT UI. Here’s a simple patch to add it. Hopefully it will be added to the released version, I don’t see a reason not to.


    Index: custom-post-type-ui.php
    --- custom-post-type-ui.php	(revision 651445)
    +++ custom-post-type-ui.php	(working copy)
    @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
     				'capability_type' => $cpt_post_type["capability_type"],
     				'hierarchical' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["hierarchical"]),
     				'exclude_from_search' => $cpt_exclude_from_search,
    -				'rewrite' => array('slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug),
    +				'rewrite' => array('slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug, 'with_front' => $cpt_post_type["rewrite_with_front"] ),
     				'query_var' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["query_var"]),
     				'description' => esc_html($cpt_post_type["description"]),
     				'menu_position' => $cpt_menu_position,
    @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
     				'label' => $cpt_label,
     				'show_ui' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["show_ui"]),
     				'query_var' => get_disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["query_var"]),
    -				'rewrite' => array('slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug),
    +				'rewrite' => array('slug' => $cpt_rewrite_slug, 'with_front' => $cpt_tax_type["rewrite_with_front"] ),
     				'singular_label' => $cpt_singular_label,
     				'labels' => $cpt_labels
     			) );
    @@ -553,6 +553,7 @@
                         <th><?php _e('Show UI', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Hierarchical', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Rewrite', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
    +                    <th><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin' );?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Total Published', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Total Drafts', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
    @@ -568,6 +569,7 @@
                         <th><?php _e('Show UI', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Hierarchical', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Rewrite', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
    +                    <th><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin' );?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Total Published', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                         <th><?php _e('Total Drafts', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
    @@ -597,6 +599,7 @@
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["show_ui"]); ?></td>
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["hierarchical"]); ?></td>
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["rewrite"]); ?></td>
    +                <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["rewrite_with_front"]); ?></td>
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo $rewrite_slug; ?></td>
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo $cpt_counts->publish; ?></td>
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo $cpt_counts->draft; ?></td>
    @@ -663,7 +666,7 @@
     						$custom_post_type .= 	'\'show_in_menu\' => ' .$cpt_show_in_menu .',';
     						$custom_post_type .= 	'\'capability_type\' => \''.$cpt_post_type["capability_type"].'\',';
     						$custom_post_type .= 	'\'hierarchical\' => '.disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["hierarchical"]).',';
    -						$custom_post_type .= 	'\'rewrite\' => array(\'slug\' => \'' .$cpt_post_type["rewrite_slug"]. '\'),';
    +						$custom_post_type .= 	'\'rewrite\' => array(\'slug\' => \'' .$cpt_post_type["rewrite_slug"]. '\', \'with_front\' => \'' .$cpt_post_type["rewrite_with_front"]. '\'),';
     						$custom_post_type .= 	'\'query_var\' => '. disp_boolean($cpt_post_type["query_var"]).',';
     						if ( $cpt_post_type["has_archive"] ) {
    @@ -822,6 +825,7 @@
                     <th><?php _e('Hierarchical', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                     <th><?php _e('Show UI', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                     <th><?php _e('Rewrite', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
    +                <th><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                     <th><?php _e('Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
    @@ -835,6 +839,7 @@
                     <th><?php _e('Hierarchical', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                     <th><?php _e('Show UI', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                     <th><?php _e('Rewrite', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
    +                <th><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
                     <th><?php _e('Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin');?></th>
    @@ -869,6 +874,7 @@
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["hierarchical"]); ?></td>
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["show_ui"]); ?></td>
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["rewrite"]); ?></td>
    +                <td valign="top"><?php echo disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["rewrite_with_front"]); ?></td>
                     <td valign="top"><?php echo $rewrite_slug; ?></td>
    @@ -905,7 +911,7 @@
                                     $custom_tax .= 	'\'label\' => \''.$cpt_label.'\',';
                                     $custom_tax .= 	'\'show_ui\' => '.disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["show_ui"]).',';
                                     $custom_tax .= 	'\'query_var\' => '. disp_boolean($cpt_tax_type["query_var"]).',';
    -				$custom_tax .= 	'\'rewrite\' => array(\'slug\' => \'' .$cpt_tax_type["rewrite_slug"]. '\'),';
    +				$custom_tax .= 	'\'rewrite\' => array(\'slug\' => \'' .$cpt_tax_type["rewrite_slug"]. '\', \'with_front\' => \'' .$cpt_tax_type["rewrite_with_front"]. '\'),';
                                     $custom_tax .= 	'\'singular_label\' => \''.$cpt_singular_label.'\'';
                                     $custom_tax .= ') );';
    @@ -961,6 +967,7 @@
     	$cpt_capability = $cpt_options[$editType]["capability_type"];
     	$cpt_hierarchical = $cpt_options[$editType]["hierarchical"];
     	$cpt_rewrite = $cpt_options[$editType]["rewrite"];
    +    $cpt_rewrite_with_front = $cpt_options[$editType]["rewrite_with_front"];
     	$cpt_rewrite_slug = $cpt_options[$editType]["rewrite_slug"];
     	$cpt_query_var = $cpt_options[$editType]["query_var"];
     	$cpt_description = $cpt_options[$editType]["description"];
    @@ -996,6 +1003,7 @@
     	$cpt_tax_showui = $cpt_options[$editTax]["show_ui"];
     	$cpt_tax_query_var = $cpt_options[$editTax]["query_var"];
     	$cpt_tax_rewrite = $cpt_options[$editTax]["rewrite"];
    +	$cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front = $cpt_options[$editTax]["rewrite_with_front"];
     	$cpt_tax_rewrite_slug = $cpt_options[$editTax]["rewrite_slug"];
     	$cpt_tax_labels = $cpt_options[$editTax][0];
     	$cpt_post_types = $cpt_options[$editTax][1];
    @@ -1225,6 +1233,16 @@
                         <tr valign="top">
    +                    <th scope="row"><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin') ?></th>
    +                    <td>
    +                        <SELECT name="cpt_custom_post_type[rewrite_with_front]" tabindex="8">
    +                            <OPTION value="0" <?php If (isset($cpt_rewrite_with_front)) { If ($cpt_rewrite_with_front == 0 && $cpt_rewrite_with_front != '') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } } ?>>False</OPTION>
    +                            <OPTION value="1" <?php If (isset($cpt_rewrite_with_front)) { If ($cpt_rewrite_with_front == 1 || is_null($cpt_rewrite_with_front)) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } }Else{ echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>>True</OPTION>
    +                        </SELECT> <a href="#" title="" style="cursor: help;">?</a> (default: True)
    +                    </td>
    +                    </tr>
    +                    <tr valign="top">
                         <th scope="row"><?php _e('Custom Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin') ?></th>
                         <td><input type="text" name="cpt_custom_post_type[rewrite_slug]" tabindex="9" value="<?php If (isset($cpt_rewrite_slug)) { echo esc_attr($cpt_rewrite_slug); } ?>" /> <a href="#" title="Custom Post Type Rewrite Slug" style="cursor: help;">?</a> (default: post type name)</td>
    @@ -1469,6 +1487,15 @@
                         <tr valign="top">
    +                    <th scope="row"><?php _e('Rewrite With Front', 'cpt-plugin') ?></th>
    +                    <td>
    +                        <SELECT name="cpt_custom_tax[rewrite_with_front]" tabindex="28">
    +                            <OPTION value="0" <?php If (isset($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front)) { If ($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front == 0 && $cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front != '') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } } ?>>False</OPTION>
    +                            <OPTION value="1" <?php If (isset($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front)) { If ($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front == 1 || is_null($cpt_tax_rewrite_with_front)) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } }Else{ echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>>True</OPTION>
    +                        </SELECT> <a href="#" title="" style="cursor: help;">?</a> (default: True)
    +                    </td>
    +                    </tr><br />
    +                    <tr valign="top">
                         <th scope="row"><?php _e('Custom Rewrite Slug', 'cpt-plugin') ?></th>
                         <td><input type="text" name="cpt_custom_tax[rewrite_slug]" tabindex="9" value="<?php If (isset($cpt_tax_rewrite_slug)) { echo esc_attr($cpt_tax_rewrite_slug); } ?>" /> <a href="#" title="Custom Taxonomy Rewrite Slug" style="cursor: help;">?</a> (default: taxonomy name)</td>


Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Thanks Brad for a great plugin. I agree with MarcGuay as I needed that option too and I found lot of posts and questions about how to add “rewrite=>with_front” functionality and even a fork of this plugin https://stephennomura.com/blog/enhanced-version-of-custom-post-types-ui but I would rather that it was in original plugin as its already installed and being used on the site.

    MarcGuay Can you provide some details on how to apply this patch?


    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Making parameters for all of the options available to the register functions will be a priority for the next release. Not sure why it wasn’t part of the original.

    Thanks for this excellent plugin!

    I’m using version 0.8 and see that “rewrite=>with_front” is supported for custom post types.

    Can I inquire as to why support was not added for setting with_front on custom taxonomies? I’ve temporarily patched the version on my site.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser


    didn’t realize it was available for taxonomies as well. I’ll create an issue for it on the associated GitHub repo.


    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Currently scheduled to be a part of 0.9, which is the 2nd-to-next release planned

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