• Hi, new site has the issue where the text shown below appears in any previewed or published page but is not seen when clicking on the ‘text’ tab when editing a page.

    “Path: p ? a ? img.alignleft size-medium wp-image-242”

    It seems to be only the default page as when page template is changed to full width it is no longer seen and is not seen on any of the special templates like contact page.

    Also, it seems to be an issue with a wootheme because when I change the theme from a wootheme to a non wootheme the text is no longer seen. But when i change it back to the wootheme it appears on the page again.

    I have tried to replacing the single.php and index.php and page.php from a working site that uses the same wootheme but that did not work. So now stuck and can not find an answer to this issue.

    Does anyone have any ideas of how to resolve this?


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  • Is it a paid theme from WooThemes? If so then you should ask them.

    Otherwise which theme is it and do you have a URL showing the issue?

    Is this an issue related to a modification to the theme or is it something that happens with the original unmodified theme?

    Thread Starter VPNline


    Hi, it seems that woothemes restricts access to its forum or support, so those who have paid someone else to create their site and that person used woothemes, means they are not able to even access the members forum.

    this is an example of the what the error looks like on a page with the default page template https://www.hannahvpowell.com/test-page/

    which does not appear on a page changed to ‘full width’ https://www.hannahvpowell.com/hannah/

    the theme has not been modified apart from a couple of plugins.

    regarding part of your answer

    Is this an issue related to a modification to the theme or is it something that happens with the original unmodified theme?

    is there an easy way to test this on a live site without effecting it?


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