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  • Hi, the release correcting autoresponse issue is now available on github
    Actually it removes the “return_url” setting.
    Now the return url is default home url, so no “autoresponse” page required.
    Hope it helps,
    Let me know if it’s ok…

    Thanks, I uploaded the new version.
    Just waiting for a real purchase to happen so I can check.

    Ok please let me know if everything works fine

    Hello and thanks to both the original author and flistefliste for this job.
    But in the last flistefliste release I got some troubles with the preprod url of paybox, because the plug in hits only the prod version of paybox ( )even if we configure it in order to hit the preprod version ( ). This was a trouble that already appeared on the origianl version some versions above, and this was fixed in the last releases of the “official” version. May you do something in order to resolve this problem too ? It will be really useful !!!

    Hi Silcar,
    This is because you use cgi method.
    With this method the final form is generated by executing the cgi file, so the “action” of the form seems to be by default the paybox production url.
    I just published a new release with a javascript hack to make possible preprod testing with cgi mode.
    However it is recommended to use HMAC mode !

    The today’s release fixes also a couple things related do IPN (successful payment = processing status)


    Hello flistefliste,
    thanks very much for your update. It works fine now with cgi and brings me to the preprod zone of paybox !
    And I will switch on the hmac mode as soon as possible as you suggest.

    Hi Silcar,
    Great !
    I publish the release on today,

    Hi guys,
    The plugin is now officially published on here

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