Hi Ricsca2,
I’m sorry but currently there is no indication of original product price in commission table
Anyway, you can overwrite commission table template, copying file dashboard-commissions.php from wp-content/plugins/yith-woocommerce-affiliates/templates/shortcodes/ and pasting in your theme root, under wp-content/themes/<your_theme_folder>/woocommerce/yith-wcaf/shortcodes/ (you may need to create missing folders)
Then, yuo can try to change your brand new file, replacing the content of last column of the table (at around line 81), with this code
echo wc_price( $commission['amount'] );
$order = wc_get_order( $commission['order_id'] );
$items = $order->get_items( 'line_item' );
$item = $items[ $commission['line_item_id'] ] ? $items[ $commission['line_item_id'] ] : false;
if( $item ){
$discount = $item['line_subtotal'] - $item['line_total'];
if( $discount ) {
printf( __( ' (product price: %s | disocunt: %s) ', 'yith-wcaf' ), wc_price( $item['line_total'] ), wc_price( $discount ) );
printf( __( ' (product price: %s) ', 'yith-wcaf' ), wc_price( $item['line_total'] ) );
This should print product price and discount applied, if any
Please, let me know if this helps you
Have a nice day