Hey mhenebry,
Amber here, thanks for contacting SkyVerge about our GoDaddy Payments plugin! I’m happy to help! ??
I understand that you were updating your database, and you received a message stating “Congratulations, you have successfully made a payment.”, and you are curious as to what payment you made, and why this happened when you were updating your WooCommerce database.
When WooCommerce updates their database, in agreeance with you, there should be no messages regarding payment. The “Congratulations, you have successfully made a payment.” message, would be expected on a checkout page or during testing of a payment gateway plugin.
In regards to the email addresses you posted, we respond directly to this post, so no emails are needed at this time. I would like to kindly advise that this post is public, so you may want to remove those email addresses. ??
I do know that after updating the WooCommerce database button, it usually redirects you to the WooCommerce Settings page. May I ask if it redirected you there, or somewhere else after pushing that ‘update database’ button?
All the best,
Amber ??