Hello @saadexpert86
Thank you for reaching out to us, we are here to help.
You did not provide us with the error you are facing, and we don’t have the 100% coupon name, so can’t recreate the issue.
The issue you encounter seems to be a known issue that is caused by applying the coupon code on the checkout page. When you apply the 100% coupon on the checkout page, the PayPal button is not getting refreshed once it has been applied and the wrong function is being run. When you test this again, apply the coupon on the checkout page and then refresh the page, it should work correctly.
Also, when you apply the coupon on the cart page, it should work, because the PayPal button would be hidden and the PayPal button on the checkout page would be loaded correctly when you proceed to this page.
So there are 2 options for resolving this:
– Remove coupon option on checkout page.
– Add a page refresh after applying coupon code on checkout page:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_applied_coupon', function( $coupon_code ) { ?> <script> location.reload(); </script> <?php } );
A fix for this issue from our side will mostly likely only be implemented when we have got vaulting v3 in place, which probably will still take some more months (expected end 2023).
If this does not help you, it might be better to review your site completely and get logs and screenshots of the order notes in order to see the errors and verify that we are talking about the same issue. For this, we would advise you to open a private engagement with us, in order to share these details privately and securely.
Kind regards,