• Resolved geoffgspit



    I have recently put a client system live using this sumup plugin for woocommerce.

    Most payments are processing successfully.

    I had one customer get the following message twice on the same screen:-

    “We are unable to process your order, please try again.”

    The order is set as pending payment in woocommerce but upon checking in sumup dashboard the payment had been taken. I looked in the database and neither the _transaction_id or _sumup_transaction_code are listed against that order id

    I have manually marked the order as paid for now but am worried as to why the Sumup Transaction Code has not been set into those two fields and of course it possibly happening again. Luckily the customer did not resubmit the order so the payment was only taken once.

    Can you kindly take a look at this and see why the code may give that error message, take payment successfully but NOT update those two fields.



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  • Hello,
    I have the exact same issue on my website. I can’t find any log of what’s happening and causes error è_é
    I currently testing checkout behaviour, and probably end up disabling account creation in checkout …
    Hope we’ll have some correction soon…

    Edit :
    Ok, so I’ve unchecked account creation in checkout and now I have another error message when ordering : Transaction was unsuccessful. Please try another card or try another payment method.


    And again no logs anywhere to be found…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by mewian.

    Edit 2 :
    So the only thing I have done was uncheck the option and I still had the error message (but order pending anyway)

    SO I have re-checked the option and supposedly everything was exactly as before and now I still have the error AND error appears with existing account too…

    Initialy error was :
    We are unable to process your order, please try again.
    -> when creating account in checkout
    Now error is :
    Transaction was unsuccessful. Please try another card or try another payment method.
    -> when creating account in checkout AND using existing account (I have test with connection prior to cart validation and connection when checking out)

    Can we expect any kind of support for this SumUp Integration in future? Wrote some eMails a Week ago. No Answer here or on the support. First Level Support has no idea at all.

    Is there a phone support who may help?

    Plugin Support julliansumup


    @digitalkult @geoffgspit @responsiblebeing @responsiblebbeing @garethdhopkins

    We do apologize for the inconvenience caused, we have fixed the bug that was causing the “pending payment” stage freeze.

    The plugin in running and is stable.


    Thread Starter geoffgspit


    Hi @julliansumup

    How has this been fixed ?
    there is no new version of the plugin. It is still on 1.0.0



    Same here,

    nothing has changed ?? Asked my customer some minutes ago.

    Plugin Support julliansumup


    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    We are currently investigating the issue and will notify once we find the error and fix the error.



    I added Sumup payment for woocommerce. I kind of regret it right now. My client use Sumup for payment in his physical shop, so we decided to use the plug-in for her website to centralise everything. But this is a nightmare, first documentation doesn’t exist at all in French, but I can figure it out, et we face lack of indication in the process to make it work.
    First I never understood how to create a test account, this should at least be fast and easy.
    Second, we realized than the only way to make the plug “work a bit” is first > to face an error “Failed to check ID” for second > contact the support to activate your account.
    This part does not took long, after 24 hours they been fast to accept payment.
    But now since 14 days we face a big issues with payment, sometimes it works well, sometimes nothing happen at all for the client and the payment appears as cancelled on woocommerce, but the client is debited when we control on Sumup app. It Means client are debited but have no confirmation, neither do we. So most of time the client try few times and give up after few tries. It’s really anightmare, we have to apologies and recontact all client.
    So we asked for last time any kind of help or support today, and if we have no answer we will change payment gateway. Paypal, Stripe..whatever but honestly maybe we will pay a bit more but at least we will know why for sure.

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