• Are there any wooCommerce users who are also using the PayPal Advanced Extension? I have a PayPal Advanced account and I’m interested in purchasing this extension in order to use my account with my WooCommerce store.

    I have also submitted my questions to WooThemes support and I’m awaiting their response.

    My main concern is how the checkout experience actually works for the customer. I looked at this demo provided by the developer and it seems confusing. At checkout, PayPal Advanced is available as an option. When selected, a generic description is displayed and the button at the bottom of the page displays “Place Order.” At what point is the PayPal/Credit Card form displayed? If it’s not until a subsequent page that appears after clicking the Place Order button, then “Place Order” is not the appropriate language here. Something like “Proceed to Payment” would be better.

    The PayPal Advanced Extension documentation does not provide any checkout screenshots. If anyone is using this extension, I’d really appreciate their feedback on how well it works.


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