• Hello,
    I am setting up the Seamless Donations plugin on a nonprofit’s website (pearlofgraceranch.org) and am running into a couple problems. The first problem is that I set up the sandbox mode with your video tutorial to try to make sure everything is working before going live, and the donations that get made by the “buyer” PayPal account are not being put into the Donations database. When I login to the “buyer” and “facilitator” accounts, I can see that the donation was made successfully on both ends, but the plugin doesn’t show and record of it. My problem looks very much like the problem noted here, however, I don’t even have a cache plugin activated. The second problem is that no thank you email is sending. I said that I want the email to look like it came from “[email protected]” which is an email I created through Dreamhost. I went ahead and sent multiple test emails to my personal account and the notification at the top of the page said they were all sent successfully, however, neither one made them to my email or even my spam box. My client is really pressing for me to finish up this aspect of the site so I am trying to resolve this as fast as I can and any help would be much appreciated. Below is the log from a couple of my test donations. Thank you very much.

    [Seamless Donations Log Data]
    2016-08-11 08:59:09 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-11 09:15:45 —————————————-
    2016-08-11 09:15:45 PREPARING DONATION FORM
    2016-08-11 09:15:45 Seamless Donations Version: 4.0.17
    2016-08-11 09:15:45 User browser: Chrome 52.0.2743.116
    2016-08-11 09:15:45 Assigning hidden field session ID to SDS01-03DC5CA4-4EE2-9189-85F1-4C460EA14D3B
    2016-08-11 09:15:45 Form action via: external php file
    2016-08-11 09:15:45 Form action: https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/seamless-donations-payment.php
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 —————————————-
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 DONATION TRANSACTION STARTED
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Processing mode: SANDBOX
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 PHP Version: 5.6.24
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Seamless Donations Version: 4.0.17
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 User browser: Chrome 52.0.2743.116
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 IPN (http): https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 IPN (https): https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/pay/paypalstd/ipn.php
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Payment process nonce 61fc69f363 validated.
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Session ID retrieved from _POST: SDS01-03DC5CA4-4EE2-9189-85F1-4C460EA14D3B
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Looking for pre-existing session data (guid/audit db mode): SDS01-03DC5CA4-4EE2-9189-85F1-4C460EA14D3B
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Duplicate session data not found. Payment process data assembly can proceed.
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Success URL: https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/donate/?thanks=true
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Saving transaction data using guid/audit db mode
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Name: **cs****
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Amount: 500
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Preparation complete. Entering PHP post code.
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Checking for repeat. REPEAT value is [].
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Computed RETURN value: 'https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/donate/?thanks=true'
    2016-08-11 09:17:47 Redirecting to PayPal… now!
    2016-08-11 09:21:10 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-11 09:21:10 —————————————-
    2016-08-11 09:21:10 Seamless Donations Version: 4.0.17
    2016-08-11 09:21:10 IPN chatback attempt via TLS…
    2016-08-11 09:21:10 IPN chatback attempt via SSL…
    2016-08-11 09:21:10 IPN chatback attempt completed. Checking response…
    2016-08-11 09:21:10 IPN failed (unrecognized response) for sessionID SDS01-03DC5CA4-4EE2-9189-85F1-4C460EA14D3B
    2016-08-11 09:21:10 ==>

    2016-08-11 09:21:10 IPN processing complete.
    2016-08-11 09:24:04 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-11 09:24:04 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-11 09:24:04 pay/paypalstd/ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-11 09:24:04 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-11 09:47:04 —————————————-
    2016-08-11 09:47:04 PREPARING DONATION FORM
    2016-08-11 09:47:04 Seamless Donations Version: 4.0.17
    2016-08-11 09:47:04 User browser: Chrome 52.0.2743.116
    2016-08-11 09:47:04 Assigning hidden field session ID to SDS01-46A4C51E-7B5A-B12F-69FF-1C54D8FD4B0D
    2016-08-11 09:47:04 Form action via: external php file
    2016-08-11 09:47:04 Form action: https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/seamless-donations-payment.php
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 —————————————-
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 DONATION TRANSACTION STARTED
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Processing mode: SANDBOX
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 PHP Version: 5.6.24
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Seamless Donations Version: 4.0.17
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 User browser: Chrome 52.0.2743.116
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 IPN (http): https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 IPN (https): https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/pay/paypalstd/ipn.php
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Payment process nonce 61fc69f363 validated.
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Session ID retrieved from _POST: SDS01-46A4C51E-7B5A-B12F-69FF-1C54D8FD4B0D
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Looking for pre-existing session data (guid/audit db mode): SDS01-46A4C51E-7B5A-B12F-69FF-1C54D8FD4B0D
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Duplicate session data not found. Payment process data assembly can proceed.
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Success URL: https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/donate/?thanks=true
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Saving transaction data using guid/audit db mode
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Name: **cs****
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Amount: 20
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Preparation complete. Entering PHP post code.
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Checking for repeat. REPEAT value is [].
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Computed RETURN value: 'https://www.pearlofgraceranch.org/donate/?thanks=true'
    2016-08-11 09:47:22 Redirecting to PayPal… now!
    2016-08-11 09:48:15 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-11 09:48:15 —————————————-
    2016-08-11 09:48:15 Seamless Donations Version: 4.0.17
    2016-08-11 09:48:15 IPN chatback attempt via TLS…
    2016-08-11 09:48:15 IPN chatback attempt via SSL…
    2016-08-11 09:48:16 IPN chatback attempt completed. Checking response…
    2016-08-11 09:48:16 IPN failed (unrecognized response) for sessionID SDS01-46A4C51E-7B5A-B12F-69FF-1C54D8FD4B0D
    2016-08-11 09:48:16 ==>

    2016-08-11 09:48:16 IPN processing complete.
    2016-08-11 09:52:31 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-11 09:52:31 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-11 10:34:55 Error: Could NOT send mail.
    2016-08-11 10:34:55 Subject: Pearl of Grace Ranch Donation
    2016-08-11 10:34:55 To Email: [email protected]
    2016-08-11 10:38:07 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-11 10:38:07 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-11 10:38:08 pay/paypalstd/ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-11 10:38:08 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-11 10:40:31 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-11 10:40:31 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.


Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)
  • Thread Starter zsmith16


    Update: I installed WP SMTP and was able to configure my SMTP settings so now my test email works. The IPN problem is still present though. I have read a bunch of different forums where people had similar problems but none of them solve my problem so far. I contacted DreamHost and they said that their security libraries are up to date and they aren’t blocking any communications. Thank you very much.

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    It looks like (and I’ve seen this from a few other folks) like PayPal isn’t responding to the secured IPN request.

    2016-08-11 09:48:15 Seamless Donations Version: 4.0.17
    2016-08-11 09:48:15 IPN chatback attempt via TLS...
    2016-08-11 09:48:15 IPN chatback attempt via SSL...
    2016-08-11 09:48:16 IPN chatback attempt completed. Checking response...
    2016-08-11 09:48:16 IPN failed (unrecognized response) for sessionID SDS01-46A4C51E-7B5A-B12F-69FF-1C54D8FD4B0D

    I’ve noticed this complaint from a few other users in the last few weeks. I don’t know if PayPal has changed anything on their end. They haven’t indicated a change. Are you getting a green indicator on the Seamless Donations Setup page or red?


    Thread Starter zsmith16


    Oh ok. I am not quite sure what you mean by green or red indicator on the page… I have the red warning that I am in sandbox mode but I don’t know if that’s what you are referring to or not. Thank you!

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    When you’re in the WordPress dashboard and click into the Seamless Donations Settings tab, there’s a PayPal settings section. That section will either be in green or red. Green means we think your host is compatible with what PayPal tells us it needs. Red means there are indicators that your host may not be compatible.

    If you go to that section, and it’s not green, that’s almost definitely your problem. If it is green, then we have more of a mystery on our hands.


    Thread Starter zsmith16


    Oh ok, so I have a green note that says my site appears to be compliant with PayPal settings. I went back in to double check the IPN settings and make sure I used the HTTPS version and I had done that correctly so I have absolutely no idea. So I am afraid we have a mystery on our hands… Do you need my login? If so I can email it to whatever your email address is unless there is a way I can hide the information in a post. Thanks!

    [Seamless Donations Log Data]
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 —————————————-
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 DONATION TRANSACTION STARTED
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 Processing mode: SANDBOX
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 PHP Version: 5.4.45
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 Seamless Donations Version: 4.0.17
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 User browser: Chrome 52.0.2743.116
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 IPN (http): https://sagarpaul.xyz/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 IPN (https): https://sagarpaul.xyz/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/pay/paypalstd/ipn.php
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 Payment process nonce f1f0cd4289 validated.
    2016-08-13 18:57:49 Session ID retrieved from _POST: SDS01-1C6BFC56-81C1-9D97-7403-11E7F2AE4DA3
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Looking for pre-existing session data (guid/audit db mode): SDS01-1C6BFC56-81C1-9D97-7403-11E7F2AE4DA3
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Duplicate session data not found. Payment process data assembly can proceed.
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Success URL: https://sagarpaul.xyz/?page_id=4&thanks=true
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Saving transaction data using guid/audit db mode
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Name: ***lol***
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Amount: 10
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Preparation complete. Entering PHP post code.
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Checking for repeat. REPEAT value is [].
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Computed RETURN value: 'https://sagarpaul.xyz/?page_id=4&thanks=true'
    2016-08-13 18:57:50 Redirecting to PayPal… now!
    2016-08-13 18:59:00 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-13 18:59:01 —————————————-
    2016-08-13 18:59:01 Seamless Donations Version: 4.0.17
    2016-08-13 18:59:02 IPN chatback attempt via TLS…
    2016-08-13 18:59:02 IPN chatback attempt via SSL…
    2016-08-13 18:59:02 IPN chatback attempt completed. Checking response…
    2016-08-13 18:59:02 IPN failed (unrecognized response) for sessionID SDS01-1C6BFC56-81C1-9D97-7403-11E7F2AE4DA3
    2016-08-13 18:59:03 ==>

    2016-08-13 18:59:03 IPN processing complete.
    2016-08-13 19:03:30 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-13 19:03:30 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-13 19:03:30 pay/paypalstd/ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-13 19:03:30 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-13 19:03:32 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-13 19:03:32 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-13 19:03:32 pay/paypalstd/ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-13 19:03:32 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-13 19:03:36 dgx-donate-paypalstd-ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-13 19:03:36 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.
    2016-08-13 19:03:36 pay/paypalstd/ipn.php called outside of constructor.
    2016-08-13 19:03:36 Null IPN (Empty session id). Nothing to do.

    i’m also get the same problem.i saw that my paypal section is green.

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    I don’t login to users’ sites because the potential for damage and security concerns are enormous, not to mention regulatory issues with privacy violations. If you created an account for me, please go ahead and delete it.

    At this point, I think it would be a good idea to test PayPal connectivity beyond Seamless Donations. Please read the following article, download and install the TLS 1.2 compatibility plugin, and run it.

    When you’re done, if it reports you’re fully TLS 1.2 compatible, then get back to me and we’ll see if we can see where Seamless Donations isn’t working. But if it reports you’re not TLS 1.2 compatible, please take the results to your host along with this article (still let me know, because I’m curious, though):


    Good luck!


    Hi David,
    Thanks for your quick reply.i checked TLS 1.2.it’s good.
    Check this out two screenshot


    Still it’s not working

    If you want i can create a account for you.let me know.

    Thread Starter zsmith16


    Ok I totally understand the concern with logging into another website. I went ahead and ran the plugin you designated and it told me that everything was compatible. Thanks!

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Hmm.. That’s interesting and a little disturbing. I’m on a deadline project for work until the end of the week, but once I’m done, I’ll see if I can run some tests and find any reason Seamless Donations isn’t properly making the round trip.


    Thread Starter zsmith16


    Ok thank you very much!

    Thread Starter zsmith16


    Hello, I was just wondering if you have found anything out on the plugin’s problem? My client is requesting me to take down their donate page for the time being so I was just wondering when I will be able to fix it all for them. Thank you!

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Sorry, no. Haven’t had a day off yet to work on it.


    Thread Starter zsmith16


    Ok, I’m afraid my client can’t wait much longer. If the plugin is not done by the end of next week they want me to just switch plugins because their cash-flow is being hindered right now. Do you know if you will be able to finish it by then? Thanks.

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