Thank you for your request.
Please, copy-paste your question about CleanTalk account and service here in private Ticket System:
This way we will know your CleanTalk profile and could check everything that is required.
We have whitelisted PayPal servers long ago, maybe it has something to do with a specific plugin.
Please, mark records in your Anti-Spam Log if our service made wrong decision:
Your Anti-Spam Log [ https://cleantalk.org/my/show_requests?int=week ] —> choose your website in the pop-down menu —> there are buttons “Spam” and “Not Spam” under every record —> mark records using these buttons.
The instruction is here: https://cleantalk.org/faq#feedback_spam
It will help us a lot to solve this issue faster.
Sorry for the inconveniences.
Your CleanTalk Control Panel: [ https://cleantalk.org/my/ ].
Best regards.