• Resolved keitaro3660


    well… i don’t know if this because your plugin or not..
    i believe the currency error is from MYR, because i see the customer geolocation via wordfence that he came from malaysia. so it should be supported as stated here : https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/currency_codes/#multi-currency-support-list

    i use your plugin and put custom price per product for MYR.
    so i dunno what happen…
    because paypal or your plugin?

    please help
    i definitelly will buy your plugin with the first money i got from successfull transaction in my site, as a thanks! ??

    anyway, here is the mail i got from the wordpress transacion error :


    PayPal Express Checkout Error Notification

    Nov 22 (11 days ago)

    SetExpressCheckout API call failed.

    Error Code: 10605
    Error Severity Code: Error
    Short Error Message: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
    Detailed Error Message: Currency is not supported
    User IP:


    “Detailed Error Message: Currency is not supported”
    but MYR is supported isn’t? dunno what happen

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  • Plugin Author Oscar Gare


    Hi @keitaro3660,
    this bug only occurs when country of paypal user is not match with WooCommerce customer country.

    Currently I’m working in fix this bug.
    What plugin are you using to add PayPal Express as payment method?


    Thread Starter keitaro3660


    wow thanks for so fast response!
    so it happen when (example) customer paypal address is in US, but he currently browsing from malaysia?

    i use this
    or do you have any other suggestion for paypal feature that works well with your plugin?


    anyway, do you think this is a problem? it’s from default paypal. (paypal express checkout option don’t have this warning)

    my ‘default’ currency is IDR, so it’s not supported by paypal.

    but my multy currency (with ur plugin) has USD, MYR, CAD, etc that support paypal.
    so, is that warning will do some problem? the customer final payment via paypal will use the supported currency isn’t? not from my IDR at all. so i don’t think it will have problem because it already converted currency by your plugin, but dunno..

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by keitaro3660.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by keitaro3660.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by keitaro3660.
    Plugin Author Oscar Gare


    Hi @keitaro3660,
    PBC 1.6.4 fix issues with paypal Express by @angelleye and the issue with PayPal standard.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter keitaro3660


    i got my first payment in paypal EURO, waaawww
    as promised, i’ll buy your plugin!!
    thanks very much for making this great plugin, and for the awesome support!!

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