• Resolved ds00x


    Is there a way to integrate this plugin with PayPal Payments Advanced? I saw the extension for PayPal Pro, but not for this one

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  • Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Unfortunately not at this time. I’d love to hear what advantages you find for your organization by using PayPal Payment Advanced instead of Pro.


    Thread Starter ds00x


    Hello Matt, thanks for the reply,

    Ah I see, not a problem. The thing is, I am working with what my client already had in place before. He has been using PayPal Payments Advanced with Woocommerce, and just PayPal standard on your plugin. My knowledge is really limited on PayPal Payments Advanced, since I have never really used it. I only worked with Pro and standard. According to my client, the Pro version has some features they don’t need and PayPal Payments Advanced fitted just nicely, and came with a slightly cheaper price.

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