• Resolved jremshik


    PayPal for WooCommerce 1.2.3

    Our Site: https://www.pgprint.com

    Our customers are experiencing PayPal Express Tax Total Is Invalid errors when checking out. I have included the log from one of these failed PayPal express transactions below. The problem appears to be intermittent as I see successful PayPal Express transactions in the log as well. In this particular case, it appears that the customer tried PayPal Express several times unsuccessfully and then opted to use a credit card to complete checkout. I have also included the successful PayPal Pro log entry.

    PayPal Express Log:

    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:33 – Start Express Checkout
    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:34 – Test Mode: no
    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:34 – Endpoint: https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp
    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:34 – Request: Array
    [USER] => *****
    [PWD] => *****
    [VERSION] => 124.0
    [BUTTONSOURCE] => AngellEYE_SP_WooCommerce
    [SIGNATURE] => *****
    [METHOD] => SetExpressCheckout
    [RETURNURL] => https://www.pgprint.com/checkout/review-order/?pp_action=revieworder
    [CANCELURL] => https://www.pgprint.com/cart/
    [ALLOWNOTE] => 1
    [LOCALECODE] => en_US
    [EMAIL] => [email protected]
    [BRANDNAME] => PGprint.com
    [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT] => 19.64

    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:34 – Response: Array
    [TIMESTAMP] => 2016-07-21T05:53:51Z
    [CORRELATIONID] => c365ebcebdd1f
    [ACK] => Failure
    [VERSION] => 124.0
    [BUILD] => 000000
    [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10429
    [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Data
    [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Tax total is invalid.
    [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error

    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:34 – SetExpressCheckout API call failed.
    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:34 – Detailed Error Message: Tax total is invalid.
    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:34 – Short Error Message: Invalid Data
    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:34 – Error Code: 10429
    07-21-2016 @ 01:53:34 – Error Severity Code: Error

    PayPal Pro Log:

    07-21-2016 @ 01:55:54 – Processing order #11197
    07-21-2016 @ 01:55:54 – Do payment request Array
    [DPFields] => Array
    [paymentaction] => Sale
    [ipaddress] => ***.***.***.***
    [returnfmfdetails] => 1

    [CCDetails] => Array
    [creditcardtype] =>
    [acct] => ****
    [expdate] => 52020
    [cvv2] => ****
    [startdate] =>
    [issuenumber] =>

    [PayerInfo] => Array
    [email] => ***
    [firstname] => ***
    [lastname] => ***

    [BillingAddress] => Array
    [street] => ***
    [street2] =>
    [city] => Marietta
    [state] => GA
    [countrycode] => US
    [zip] => 30060
    [phonenum] => **********

    [ShippingAddress] => Array
    [shiptoname] => ***
    [shiptostreet] => ***
    [shiptostreet2] =>
    [shiptocity] => Marietta
    [shiptostate] => GA
    [shiptozip] => 30060
    [shiptocountry] => US
    [shiptophonenum] =>

    [PaymentDetails] => Array
    [amt] => 19.64
    [currencycode] => USD
    [insuranceamt] =>
    [shipdiscamt] => 0.00
    [handlingamt] => 0.00
    [desc] =>
    [custom] =>
    [invnum] => 11197
    [notifyurl] =>
    [recurring] =>
    [taxamt] => 1.11
    [shippingamt] => 0
    [itemamt] => 18.53

    [OrderItems] => Array

    [Secure3D] => Array


    07-21-2016 @ 01:55:57 – Request: Array
    [USER] => *****
    [PWD] => *****
    [VERSION] => 124.0
    [BUTTONSOURCE] => AngellEYE_SP_WooCommerce
    [SIGNATURE] => *****
    [METHOD] => DoDirectPayment
    [IPADDRESS] => ***.***.***.***
    [ACCT] => *****
    [EXPDATE] => *****
    [CVV2] => *****
    [EMAIL] => ***
    [FIRSTNAME] => ***
    [LASTNAME] => ***
    [STREET] => ***
    [CITY] => Marietta
    [STATE] => GA
    [ZIP] => 30060
    [PHONENUM] => **********
    [AMT] => 19.64
    [SHIPDISCAMT] => 0.00
    [HANDLINGAMT] => 0.00
    [INVNUM] => 11197
    [TAXAMT] => 1.11
    [ITEMAMT] => 18.53
    [SHIPTONAME] => ***
    [SHIPTOSTREET] => ***
    [SHIPTOCITY] => Marietta
    [SHIPTOZIP] => 30060

    07-21-2016 @ 01:55:57 – Response: Array
    [TIMESTAMP] => 2016-07-21T05:56:15Z
    [CORRELATIONID] => 6cfd498237eba
    [ACK] => Success
    [VERSION] => 124.0
    [BUILD] => 22386173
    [AMT] => 19.64
    [AVSCODE] => Y
    [CVV2MATCH] => M
    [TRANSACTIONID] => 1P819132CL478910X


Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Contributor angelleye


    How are you calculating taxes? Basic rules in WC or with some 3rd party plugin or what?

    Some how you’re getting a negative tax amount of -0.36 which PayPal is not going to accept.

    I do believe we’re doing some adjustments with taxes at times to avoid item total errors with WC, so it’s possible there is a bug in the plugin, but I need to know all the details of how to reproduce this.

    Can you outline exactly how you have your tax rules configured, as well as the general options for how to apply taxes (per line or per total, etc.) in WC?

    Thread Starter jremshik


    We use standard rates for the state of GA. We have uploaded standard rates for all postal codes in state.

    Our Tax settings are as follows:

    Prices Entered With Tax: No
    Calculate Tax Based On: Customer Shipping Address
    Shipping Tax Class: Shipping tax class based on cart items
    Rounding: Round tax at subtotal level
    Additional Tax Classes: Reduced Rate, Zero Rate
    Display Prices in the Shop: Excluding Tax
    Display Prices during Cart and Checkout: Excluding Tax
    Price Display Suffix: N/A
    Display Tax Totals: As a single total

    In at lease two of the cases that I have checked, the customers selected local pickup, so taxes apply to the postal code 30062. I have verified that this postal code is setup correctly in the standard rates table

    I’m familiar with your code and have seen that you do some adjustments to tax and shipping to avoid total errors. It is for this reason that the [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT] => 20.00 caught my eye. In this order, two items where purchased each at $9.27. The item amount total should have been $18.54 as it shows when the customer used the PayPal Pro option. I’m not sure how the code arrived at an ITEMAMT of $20 in this scenario.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    Thanks for the details. We’re currently working on a 1.2.4 update for the plugin, so we’ll see if we can reproduce this and get it resolved in this next update.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    This has been resolved in our GitHub repo and will be included in the 1.2.4 update coming soon.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    The 1.2.4 update has been released and resolves this issue.

    The error does appear again, after adding 2 items to the cart. If i have only one item, no problem, but two don’t work any more.

    Germany (€)
    Tax is calculated by WordPress (no extra plugin)
    PayPal Express Checkout

    Plugin Version: 1.3.2
    WooCommerce Version: 2.6.14

    No Log is generated even though i activated the field in the PayPal Express Checkout Settings.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    I see you submitted a ticket to our Help Desk. I’ll respond there since this is an old thread.

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