• daoac



    I have changed the file structure of a multisite that makes use of this plugin. But it seems like it does not work when the uploads directory is a symlink even though I have defined the WPCF7_UPLOADS_TMP_DIR to a custom tmp directory (outside of the uploads folder).

    File structure is as followed:

    • wp-content
      • uploads (this is a symlink to a directory outside of the WordPress core files)
      • tmp (define('WPCF7_UPLOADS_TMP_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/tmp/wpcf7_uploads');)

    When changing the uploads directory to a static directory it works fine, soooo…. any idea why it does not work when the uploads is a symlink?

    Note: cf7 file upload field works fine even when the uploads directory is a symlink.

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