Pedidos cancelados
Oi Claudio! Boa noite!
Todos os pedidos est?o sendo cancelados automaticamente.
Deixei em branco a op??o “Manter estoque (minutos)” e mesmo assim continua.
Poderia me ajudar?
Habilitei o log, tirei meus dados pessoais, e retorna isso aqui:
11-21-2014 @ 19:15:23 – Requesting token for order #5321 with the following data: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”yes”?>
<name><![CDATA[NOME COMPLETO]]></name>
<description><![CDATA[PRODUTO – Tamanho: G]]></description>
</checkout>11-21-2014 @ 19:15:25 – PagSeguro Payment Token created with success! The Token is: AQUI APARECE UM TOKEN
11-21-2014 @ 19:16:30 – Checking IPN request…
11-21-2014 @ 19:16:31 – PagSeguro IPN is valid! The return is: SimpleXMLElement Object
[date] => 2014-11-21T20:15:28.000-02:00
[code] => B23C7C45-5C97-4B7C-BCB3-96974DD643FB
[reference] => CI-5321
[type] => 1
[status] => 7
[cancellationSource] => INTERNAL
[lastEventDate] => 2014-11-21T20:16:28.000-02:00
[paymentMethod] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[type] => 1
[code] => 101
)[grossAmount] => 63.60
[discountAmount] => 0.00
[feeAmount] => 3.57
[netAmount] => 60.03
[extraAmount] => 0.00
[installmentCount] => 1
[itemCount] => 1
[items] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[item] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[id] => 1
[description] => PRODUTO - Tamanho: G
[quantity] => 1
[amount] => 49.90
[sender] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[name] => NOME
[email] => EMAIL
[phone] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[areaCode] => 11
[number] => TELEFONE
[shipping] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[address] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[street] => RUA
[number] => NUMERO
[complement] => SimpleXMLElement Object
)[district] => BAIRRO
[city] => Cotia
[state] => SP
[country] => BRA
[postalCode] => CEP
)[type] => 3
[cost] => 13.70
11-21-2014 @ 19:16:31 - PagSeguro payment status for order #5321 is: 7
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