• Hello all,

    This is my first wp site

    I am a writer, and artist and will be using this site to post my stuff.

    I have 3 errors in my xhtml validation, and like 160 in css validation. The former I will study forums to solve, the latter seems hopeless.

    Any tips & comments would be nice.


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  • I wouldn’t worry about the errors, man, CSS is a bear to make work without a little hackery.

    It looks pretty good. The only comment I have about design itself is the diagonal stripes in the header really make it distracting to read the main text because of their similarity to those in the background. A fix could be to darken the background or maybe fade out some of the diagonals in the header image. Could also help to make the border along the post area darker to separate it from the background.

    I REALLY like your work though. Excellent stuff, from a photographer to a “real” artist!

    Love the slider for your posts what are you using to do it?

    Nice looking site!


    Thread Starter maziart


    Kuyler, glad to hear that about CSS validation. That would have taken me years and years lol

    I also had the same thought about the “messiness” of the front page, so I made the banner black and red to bring out the title more. What do you think?

    Brim: I am using graphene premium theme and that slider comes with it.

    Thanks for the feedback!


    Yeah, that looks really nice, a great improvement. I look forward to seeing your awesome stuff!

    J S


    Great site and great work too. Good job.
    Background kind of chocked me at first but it works.

    @maziart, I’m looking for a custom header to be made for my website https://blazingtruth.com. Would you be willing to make one for me?

    We could work with each other and I could provide advice and links to your site in exchange. Thanks for the consideration, and a brilliant website so far!


    Thread Starter maziart


    david, thanks for the offer but I’m not the guy to ask ask at all! I hardly do any actual coding and making a slider from scratch is out of my league!

    Hit up the forums and maybe copy a slider code into your custom css or child theme and see if it works!

    Other than that, look locally for a coder. Offer ’em beer. You won’t miss ??


    what a awesome stuff site you have crated bro. looking forward to see more attractive things of your site. good job

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