Hi. I’d like to ask a question here about the multisite usage and they it is.
I been playing around with it for a white and came across board as I was about to ask pretty much the same question but here is my question.
WHY would you design such a useful plugin which is multisite compatible and can control site users BUT IT CAN’T be accessed from the from the super admin dashbaord.
I have client users and this was I THOUGHT IT WAS going to be how I controlled what they could and could not use/access but YOU just made this plug-in useless for multi site users by not being able to control it from super admin dashboard.
Nice plug-in and great work but hey you just lost a pro client due to improper multisite capabilities.
PS (edit)
Just a thought here.
But if your problem is that the super admin doesn’t always know what plug-ins other site users are using then that’s an easy problem to solve.
Make all plug-ins super admin accessible and when a plug-in is checked as not allowed for that site then obviously it doesn’t create a menu so actual menus from super admin aren’t a concern when using it for other sites. And of cause all the default menus would be on there as well automatically offering same allow/disallow options.
Hope this might provide some incite to future expansions for this plug-in (let me if ever actually do it).
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by