• Social media is something that everyone should know about these days unless they have been living under a rock for the last many years. If you’re a blogger you are certain to know about social media and the wide variety of plugins that you have available to you for managing them. I know when I went looking for a new plug in to add to my blog I was overwhelmed with all the choices I tried a few and none of them seemed to work as well as they said they would. Then I found RebelMouse.

    RebelMouse puts all of your social media together in one easy to access place for your users. It combines Facebook and twitter so that you do not have to have more than one application on your site and flawlessly updates for you. I know one worry I had was that posts my duplicate or overlap like it had with other applications but that didn’t happen with RebelMouse.

    The installation of RebelMouse was really easy. The application gives you clear directions to follow and the screenshots that are provided with the application page are a great help. I could follow along and make sure that I knew I was doing the right step right as we went along. Adding my Twitter and Facebook accounts was easy and setting my homepage to RebelMouse was a snap.

    The next thing for me to do was see if my website visitors actually used it and enjoyed the plug in as well. After all I could love it all I wanted but if my website visitors didn’t like it what use was it to keep it on the site right? So I set up a poll and also asked users to contact me and let me know what they thought of the new social media plug in. The following feedback was all positive. They loved it as much as I did! Found it easy to follow and navigate and loved the fact that they could now follow everything I had to say about different topics without having to go to each site separately.

    I just use RebelMouse for my personal site and the fan site that I run but if you’re someone who is deeply into social media marketing I think this tool would be even more valuable to you. Let’s face it today’s society is a give it to me right now and give it to me easy society and they may be interested in your marketing and what you have to offer but not willing to visit the different links and feeds you have to provide. Putting them all in one place with a useful plug in like RebelMouse will take that extra clicking and searching out of it for your customer base making your social media marketing campaign more successful.

    Overall if you’re someone who is searching for the perfect all in one social media plug in for your website I would highly recommend RebelMouse to you. Ease of use and great design makes it perfect for the casual blogger right on through to the professional social media marketer. It’s fast, it’s easy and it’s functional.

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  • Hey Kathryn,

    I’m the GM for Powered Sites over at RebelMouse. Blushing by your kind words about our WordPress Plugin. I couldn’t have said it better myself ??

    Looks like you were considering to use RebelMouse for some clients. Am I right?

    How has that gone? Please let me know if we can help with anything. I’d be curious to hear what you had in mind and see if we can help you fast forward your projects.

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