• I misunderstood how the code worked in my original review. It’s not so bad on second look, after the developer pointed out my error below.

    <s>This plugin probably does what it says it does, but it’s kinda brutal on the server as it seems to update the database on every page load.</s>

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  • Plugin Contributor slangji


    this plugin probably does what it says it does

    This plugin does what it says it does!

    it’s kinda brutal on the server

    Absolutely not!

    it seems to update the database on every page load

    The operation of this plugin, it is not the one you mentioned: as a developer you should pay attention to certain statements.

    Please: what are the technical information and detailed test that you have shown in this thread, to confirm your affermation?

    Thank ??


    Thread Starter Ryan Hellyer


    I looked more closely and I see that what is going on is that you have built in a scheduling system rather than using WP Cron. So the database is being updated when a time limit is reached. I’ll alter my rating accordingly.

    You might like to look at using WP Cron though as it’s a more common way to handle that sort of thing. I just saw update_post() loaded via init and assumed that meant it was storing data in the database on each page load.

    Plugin Contributor slangji


    update_post() loaded via init on my plugin? :lol

    Thanks for add more rating!

    P.S. If you have other solution, that work with WordPress 2.5 to WordPress 3.9 and future releases, make your code and i very happty to analyze it!

    Thread Starter Ryan Hellyer


    oops, I meant “update_option()”, which you are indeed loading on init, albeit with a cron style scheduling system at the beginning of the function.

    Plugin Contributor slangji


    I’m sorry to inform you that update_option() is used for another purpose, and that my plugin does not store anything in the database, except his own option at the time of activation. It simply fix Failed Future Post on Missed Schedule state.

    Is also provided with a longer time of checking, to meet all the needs of over 100,000 users since 6 years!

    This plugin not decrease server performance why check the internal wordpress virtual cron job, to not waste resources, and not the real cron job of the server at scale.

    This plugin check and fix only missed schedule failed future posts scheduled virtual cron job items, and no others, to not waste resources.

    This plugin to find and fix all failed future posts stored in the database, using an index table for queries, with the result of obtaining fast queries and a low cpu usage (fast queries and cpu optimization): fully compliant with hyper db table query formatting.

    This plugin, in order to reduce the CPU load, and do not use too many resources, repair 10 items in each session, every 5 minutes: the default value of 10 items per session, every 5 minutes, was introduced for compatibility with the default values of wordpress feeds syndication.

    WordPress comes with its own cron job that allows you to schedule your posts and events. however, in many situations, the wp-cron is not working well and leads to posts missed their publication schedule and/or scheduled events not executed.

    To understand why this happen, we need to know that the WP-Cron is not a real cron job. It is in fact a virtual cron that only works when a page is loaded. In short, when a page is requested on the frontend/backend, WordPress will first load WP-Cron, follow by the necessary page to display to your reader. The loaded WP-Cron will then check the database to see if there is any thing that needs to be done.

    Publish a bunch of future posts noticed that they won’t publish and when time comes to go live they just turn Missed Schedule. Took a look at the WordPress code and noticed future posts get assigned a cronjob ($unix_time_stamp, ‘publish_future_post’, array($post_ID)) wp_schedule_single_event Why don’t you just look at the database and publish all posts with future status and date in past? My plugin WP Missed Shcedule looks for posts with a date in the past that still have post_status=future. It will take each post_ID and publish wp_publish_post it.
    How to Work?

    This plugin will check every 5 minutes, if there are posts that match the problem described. (‘WPMS_DELAY’ ,5) To not use too many resources, it fix for 10 items per session, one session every 5 minutes. LIMIT 10 All others failed will be solved in future sessions, until no longer exist. When you activate this plugin the first 10 “Missed Scheduled Future Posts” are fixed immediately. All others are fixed the next batch. On some case (rare?) are also fixed live. If you have “Missed Scheduled Future Posts” after this plugin is activated, is not one error or bug: wait the next checking. If “Missed Scheduled Future Posts” persist, verify that WordPress installation is clean, or exist conflict with other plugins.

    N.B. If have active others plugins with the same functions of “WP Missed Schedule” this is on conflict and not work. I suggest to delete or deactivate all others, clean related database options table, and use only “WP Missed Schedule”. In the same way “WP Missed Schedule” could create conflicts with other plugins with the same functions. In this case, delete or disable it and only used the others.

    Read more FAQ here https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-missed-schedule/faq/ and detailed changelog here https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-missed-schedule/changelog/

    This suggestion was inserted as Ticket #5168701 on to Todo List for Future Development.

    Thanks to all users was send me same suggestion and solutions!

    Thread Starter Ryan Hellyer


    I think you are pointing out that the reason the plugin uses update_option() is to avoid missed posts caused by WP Cron being unreliable. In which case yes, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for clarifying.

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