• Hello everybody. I have upgraded to RC3-2.0 from 1.5.2. Before upgrade I made backups from .htaccess and the database. The problem is the following: When updating the permalink structure Wp remove all the rewrite rules I had before in 1.5.2. and leaves almost a blank file :

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php
    # END WordPress

    So all my rewrite rules as I had them in 1.5.2. are dissapeared and I cannot acces all my pages and sub-pages because of redirection to the index-page.
    Putting the old htaccess file back works but this isn’t the solution. I used the following permalinkstructure :
    Is this a RC3 problem / Or a bug? Or will it be solved in the difinite version
    Greetings Mazalien

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  • WPChina


    I am running WP2.0.1 too and it is working fine for me on one installation, but not on another. The problem confounds me. ??

    I’m having same problems with WP 2.0.1

    Permalinks seems to work if I include index.php at the start – I don’t want this in every url though!

    The control panel is only telling me it can’t write to .htaccess 10% of the time, and the rest it’s not even adding anything to it!!?

    Does the .htaccess-file contain the required items, then?

    No it’s completely empty either way, even when it says it’s been updated. I’ve just deleted it completely and made a new .htacess file but still it’s empty…

    The control panel is telling me: “Permalink structure updated” but .htaccess is still empty, so of course am getting 404 errors when i try to view a post.


    Is this a bug or am I just stupid !?!?

    Or maybe both ??

    Still stuck with index.php in front of all my permalinks for them to work… is there a way to fix this?

    Cheers ??


    I’m not sure if this has anything to do with this thread but I am running 2.0.1 and I am trying permalink structure
    /%postname%/%monthnum%/%year%/ and I get a warning notice “you should update your htaccess now”
    Is this correct and being a newbie I am not sure how to do that?


    i’m also having this problem.
    i created a fresh htaccess and uploaded it.

    i set the options->permalink to /index.php/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    and it tells me that the structure updated.

    i take a look at the htacess and its still empty.

    my permalink issue is also fixed by adding /index.php but i’d rather not do that as well. anyone else have thoughts on this?

    I’m having the same issues, and waiting for responses on 2 other open threads. Anyone have any answers yet? If anyone knows how to fix this, please e-mail me – I’d appreciate the assistance.

    (Here’s another thread with more people having the same issues)

    I don’t know if this will be helpful or not, but here’s what worked for me. (fingers crossed that it will stay that way)

    I was having problems with the htaccess file not being created, so I was editing the file myself with variations on what wordpress was offering. Nothing would work, but it was obviously an access issue. Take out the htaccess file and I could type in some links and get places, but no links would work within the site.

    I finally changed the permissions to the htaccess file to 777 instead of the 666 that was recommended and . . . that was all it took! Changed it back to 664 and it’s still working. This was causing me pain yesterday and I just lucked into it. So try 777 for permissions if you’re having a similar issue.

    Good luck, Ian

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