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  • Anita C


    Have you checked your Trash bin to see if you have an old page called Services sitting in there? If so, empty your trash.

    Thread Starter peterdpong


    Yep I have. There is nothing there.

    Maybe can be a problem with your hosting server…

    Anita C


    All the other links work fine. Is that page published? Or is it set to draft? If it’s set to draft we won’t see it. Since everything else works, I highly doubt it would be the hosting.

    Anita C


    Oh and I don’t get any of your services pages. In the search engine I see Services, Services-2 and Services-3 and all of them give Page not found.

    Thread Starter peterdpong


    When I search, I don’t see the other service pages. It’s like the subdomain is can’t find the page I created.

    Thread Starter peterdpong


    I fixed it! What I did was disabled my plugins then reset my permalink which worked. Thanks for all your help!

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