• funnelogychannel


    Hi there,
    just wrote a new post that we want to share on facebook. It is the first time that the permalink is not recognised so facebook do not upload the post when i cut and paste the link from the website. Any idea of what could be the problem?

    Also i seem to have a problem on the meta description of the home page. On google it does not show the meta description wrote on the plugin (after allowing sufficient time for google to process the information). Instead it shows a number of random text taken from the website.

    thanks a lot for your answer

    The Funnelogy Channel team


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  • sophialuypaert


    I am trying to share on Facebook too and yoast or whatever is not using the data that I have written in the SOCIAL part of the post…
    WHY is it not working?



    looks like this plugin has some severe issues with sharing! Same issues here with LinkedIn and XING and Google news…. sad thing, and no support avaiable for this.

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