Permalink Problem In Theme
Hi There!
In my blog everything is working fine instead of permalink at main page post, headers permalink is working fone but at post page it shows me the domain url as you can see the problem at
here i go with my themes header code and index.php code, kindly someone look into this and try to resolve this issue, as i’m new to php,
Thanks for your efforts.
===========header.php [start]====================================<?php $getcats = get_categories( 'hierarchical=1&hide_empty=1&include=' . get_inc_categories("woo_cat_nav_") ); foreach( $getcats as $thecat ) { if ( $thecat->category_parent == '0' ) { echo ' <li'.(single_cat_title( "", false ) == $thecat->name ? ' class="current_page_item"' : '').'> <a href="' . get_category_link( $thecat->term_id ) . '" title="View Posts in "' . $thecat->name . '": ' . $thecat->description . '"> ' . $thecat->name . ' <span>' . $thecat->description . '</span> </a>'; if (get_category_children($thecat->cat_ID) ) { echo'<ul>'; wp_list_categories('title_li&child_of=' . $thecat->cat_ID ); echo'</ul>'; } echo'</li>'; } } ?> </ul><!-- End categories -->
===========header [end]======================================
above given code is working fine,
===========index.php [start]=====================================<div id="page-content"> <ul id="posts" class="clearfix"> <?php query_posts("&order=ASC") ?> <?php $count = 1; $quicky = get_settings('woo_post_size'); if (have_posts()) : ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $category = get_the_category(); ?> <?php $image = ''; $image = get_post_meta( $post->ID, "image", true); $class = ''; if( $quicky == 'false') { $class = ""; $full = true; } else { $class = "quickpress"; if($count%2==1){ $class = $class . " post-left";} else {$class = $class . " post-right";} $full = false; } if(is_sticky()){ $count--; $class = ""; $full = true; } $cat_id = $category[0]->cat_ID; ?> <li <?php post_class( $class ); ?>> <div class="post-meta clearfix" style="border-color: #<?php if(get_settings( 'woo_cat_color_' . $cat_id)){echo get_settings( 'woo_cat_color_' . $cat_id );} else {echo '#465159';}; ?>"> <h3 class="left"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3> <div class="categories" style="background:#<?php echo get_settings( 'woo_cat_color_' . $cat_id ); ?>;"> <a href="<?php echo get_category_link( $cat_id ); ?>" title="<?php echo get_cat_name($cat_id);?>"><?php echo get_cat_name($cat_id);?></a> </div> </div><!-- End post-meta --> <div class="post-content clearfix"> <?php if( ($image || get_option('woo_auto_img') == 'true')&& $full == true) : ?> <div class="wp-caption-thumb alignleft"><?php echo woo_get_image('image','303','130'); ?></div> <?php elseif (($image || get_option('woo_auto_img') == 'true' ) && $full == false) :?> <div class="wp-caption-thumb alignleft"><?php echo woo_get_image('image','120','100'); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <a class="read-more" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>">Read More...</a> </div><!-- End post-content -->
===========index.php [end]=======================================
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