• My blog is at https://www.zaclohrenz.com/blog/.
    Basically my problem is, if you try to click on the title to read more (or link to the specific post), it gives you a 404.
    I tried changing my permalinks (thinking that was it) but kept getting .htaccess thing where it asks me to add stuff.
    If I add it to my root folder, the page never loads.
    If I add it to the blog folder, I keep getting 404’s.

    I am assuming it goes into blog, correct? I even left .htaccess blank, then chmod it to 777, and it still happens. The only way I can get the front page to stay up and running is to not even have a .htaccess file in blog. So how will I fix this problem?

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  • Hi,

    I’ve been working on my blog for 2 weeks and I can’t find any solutions.

    I’ve uploaded my .htaccess file to my blog directory and I can edit and save changes to it from the WP control panel, so i guess it’s been set to enable WP to re-write to this file.

    After I’ve changed my permalink option to Date and Name based, it shows a message that my permalink structure has been updated. I checked my .htaccess file and it shows the codes as per followed:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    But I still can’t access my blog posts from my browser, not even the homepage https://4life.cheanu.com (I can browse https://4life.cheanu.com/index.php instead, if I type in the full URL in my browser). I can’t browse to my other posts too.

    Please help.

    PS: I’m using WP 2.3


    Look at the error message and read everything there.
    You are on a Windows (IIS) server – that doesn’t know what .htaccess is. So, the usual methods will never work on that server.

    Read more: Using_Permalinks

    Thanks everyone for the reply.
    I’ve got my index.php figured out and I can now browse directly at https://4life.cheanu.com

    However, I can’t jump to my posts if I’m using permalink formats other than the default (ugly permalink).

    I’ve changed the permalinks format after I’ve figured out the index.php problem, yet my permalinks are not working. Please help.

    as far as I can tell, you are still using pretty permalinks… for example, if you hover over the link under Categories, it shows:


    if you were using the default permalinks, this would look something like https://4life.cheanu.com/?p=N (where N is the ID number)

    And if you are on an IIS server, you don’t have mod_rewrite

    1) use the default method for permalinking
    2) move to Linux

    HTH, I’m sussing out a permalink issue in IE browsers and happen to stumble upon this post in my searches…

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