for some reason my initial post is not popping up correctly. so let’s try again…
I built my own theme and want to use my own navigation in the header. In the process I am having trouble determining how to set up a link to a specific category.
link for home page:
<li class="current_page_nav" ><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">Home</a></li>
link for specific pages:
<li class="page_nav"><a href="<?php echo get_permalink(673); ?>">Resource Library</a></li>
link for specific category:
<li class="page_nav"><a href="????">Latest News</a></li>
I have tried all kinds of things like using the ID# of the specific category and tried modifying the bloginfo URL by adding category information at the end. I even tried listing the category as in a list or page but then I loose the style class that i am using in my menu which throws off the layout.
I realize that I can go to the specific page and copy the address from the address bar in the browser but this isn’t very dynamic as any changes I make to the permalinks or parent/child status of this category will change the link.
I would prefer a dynamic link that updates itself as long as I have the correct category number in place.