• Resolved Xavier Sal


    Hello Stephen, thank you for your plug-in i will definitely use it!.
    Well i need to translate ‘events/category’ so the permalink structure changes to ‘eventos/categorias/’, but i′m stuck, i can′t get it properly working.

    The plug-in itself won’t give me the opportunity to change that specific structure (ej. Event (single) or Event (archive) etc.

    Thanks for your advice!


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  • Plugin Author Stephen Harris


    Try Settings > Event Organiser (Permalinks tab) ??

    (P.s. were you aware there was the plug-in settings page there – or is it a bit hidden away? Just trying to work out of I’m better off moving it to a more obvious place!).

    Thread Starter Xavier Sal


    thanks for your answer,
    i dont′s think it′s hidden, it is there if you need it!.

    In my case, the Permalinks Tab displays this 4 options:

    Event Single slug
    Event Archive slug

    Now, i’ve created 3 categories where the posts will be placed
    (categorias): musica, teatro, baile //

    What i need is to change the Category slug, right now i have


    and so on. The Permalinks Tab wont give me the opportunity to change this particular slug and ‘ve been trough all the php templates and includes to change it but no case, events/category remains untouchable!! jaja.

    Plugin Author Stephen Harris


    Oh… Where did the option for event category go…?!

    I’ll fix this in 1.7.4 :). I’ve opened a ticket for it: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/issues/50

    Thread Starter Xavier Sal


    awesome, thank you for taking the time to “fix” it, i’ll wait for the 1.7.4 release

    Thread Starter Xavier Sal


    thank you Stephen, changing cat to tag on line 258 did the trick,

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