• Need some help with permalinks.I have done some work on my site and wanted to convert it to permalinks with just the title of posts.
    1.I updated to latest WordPress.
    2.Made htaccess writable
    3.Selected custom. typed: /%postname%
    4.Press update.
    Site changes but all the tables are gone and links do not work.
    Also is there a way to make all my links still work and redirect to new pretty pages?

    I am asking alot, I know, but it would be sooo sweet!

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  • “Note on using only %postname%
    If you use postname as the only element in your permalinks to create a structure such as myblog.com/post-title, the rewrite rules may make it impossible to access pages such as your stylesheet (which has a similar format) or the wp-admin folder. It’s best to include some numeric data (e.g. the post ID or date) in the permalink to prevent this from happening. /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ is always a good start.”

    I happen to use /%category%/%postname%/ and have no issues with that – it may be because you’re only trying to use just the postname…

    Thread Starter irondude


    I tried what you said, yet it has the same result, tables are gone.

    I am beginning to think it cant be done….
    at least by me.

    Can we have a URL to your blog please? I’m using basically the same permalink structure on my main blog, link in my name here..

    I’m using: /%postname%.htm for my permalink structure currently…and plan to change over to something like this maybe: /archive/post_id

    A couple guys made up a special “PHP script” for me the other night… can be found here:

    Well, most of that thread is about it..but not sure if that’s something like you want to do..

    After I’d make the permalink change from: /%postname%.htm
    to: /archive/post_id or whatever.. it will automatically redirect or make sure the people will still get to the right posts..

    Example of original post would be:

    And after my permalink change will be:

    But, the second one’s end result will still take them to: domain.com/post-name-1.htm

    I hope this isn’t confusing lol.. You *might* be talking about something like this, but in reverse.. not sure.. =/ Also, how are the tables missing or whatever… wtf. Never had that problem yet.. [knocks on wood quick LOL!]


    Thread Starter irondude


    My website is https://www.herospy.com its a comic book a nd movie website, me and a buddy run for fun, but we get many people checking it every day and i don’t want to mess up anything for them.
    My permalinks right now is set to https://www.herospy.com/?p=123 (the default)

    I would like it to be https://www.herospy.com/catagory/post title. or just the post title.

    Thanks for the feedback spencerp.
    Do you know how i would do this?

    Yeah, in Blog control panel, go to: Options => Permalinks
    Then, put a “tick” in the dot for: Custom, specify below

    Then, in the field right beside this:
    Custom structure:

    You would put in the Permalink of your choice. Examples:

    What ever you want, then at bottom of the page to the right, click the “Update Permalink Structure” Button.

    Then, you also have to go to: Manage => Files

    Click on the: .htaccess (for rewrite rules) link on right side, Under the section: Common

    Then you’ll see that file, being “edited”..Click the: Update File Button..

    As far as I know…that should be the way to do it. =P If some others in here have a better way..then they can post their replies to here. I hope this helps.. =)


    Thread Starter irondude


    Hey thanks for the quick response!
    I used /%category%/%postname%/
    and followed the directions and with the same results.
    tables were gone and the page was way distorted.


    i am going to eat ice cream now…

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