• I am getting a blog ready for transfer from blogspot. I installed the database and the wordpress, and I currently have the default theme cuz it is brand new. https://www.seabrookwa.com/blog

    I went to the permalinks option and did custom: /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%.html to resemble the blogspot links when i import them but it is not working. When I click on my hello world link it says the link is broken. If I leave the index.php between my domain and the year/month/postname it works.

    My .htaccess file has the following:
    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    Im running a windows machine with the host being intermedia. I have set the 766 permission to the .htaccess.

    Anyone care to help me? Im going crazy here…

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  • /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%.html is not going to work, because Permalinks must create Folder names, not File names.

    For more details, see:

    Please try /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/

    Thank you for the quick response. I did try the one without .html at the end and that didn’t work either.

    You say Permalinks must create Folder names. How do I make sure my permissions are set so that WordPress is allowed to do this? I was trying to automatically update wordpress and it failed because it couldn’t create (read write) a file on my ftp server.

    Again, my host is Intermedia (rare and weird) and it is on a Windows 2003 Server (no idea if that helps you).

    Btw, I installed FileZilla and tried setting the permissions of my blog folder and all its subfolders to 766 and it told me “command not supported”.

    Thanks again ??

    Permalinks work differently with windows servers and unfortunately with windows 2003 IIS is not supported. You will need to check with your host to see if re-write modules are installed and configure correctly.

    If your server is operating under fastCGI then any third party re-write plugins wont work either.

    As for the htaccess, the rules quoted above are for linux based servers. Do a quick search in the forum you will find the relevant rules for windows. Plus you gona need a web.config file with specific rules.

    Sorry I dislike windows server when it comes to wordpress, so am not going to attempt to give you certain rules and settings for either file – its just too much of a hastle to get the right combination of htaccess and web.config to work.

    for windows servers

    /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%.html is not going to work, because Permalinks must create Folder names, not File names.

    actually that will work quite well on a linux server

    Thank you both ZGani and samboll for the responses. I used the link for permalinks without mod_rewrite and found a 404 workaround which now lets me have the pretty permalinks. However, I have one last question to bug you with before I let you live your awesome lives again.

    Since the 404 workaround works only for the links of the posts, any other 404 on my website is showing a blank page. How do I set a different 404 page for the website apart from the one I have for my blog?

    Again, https://www.seabrookwa.com/blog is where my blog is, while the website is https://www.seabrookwa.com


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