• There are many reports about permalink issues after upgrading, but none of the solutions worked for me. My situation and what I’ve done:

    – .htaccess is correct:
    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
    Double checked, even made it writable 777 and let wordpress rewrite the rules

    – permalink settings: checked /%category%/%postname%
    and saved them again. These always worked.

    – Plugins: all disabled

    The frontpage loads fine. The backend admin 2.7 works fine. I can edit all posts, all permalinks are there. Only trying to visit any page returns 404. going back to 2.6.5, everything works again.

    The only thing now that I can think of is the following: I developed this website locally. And then to publish the site I exported the database and imported it in the new host. That was a while ago, and it worked fine. Because I developed the site local, if you look at the permalinks in the database posts table, you will see them like
    while the one on the live site should be

    I have set this in the wp-config file:
    define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://www.therealsite.com&#8217;);
    define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://www.therealsite.com&#8217;);

    This has always worked, with many sites. Could it be that this doesn’t work anymore with 2.7?

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  • Thread Starter matthijs


    That’s it! Thanks for the help. This has been keeping me busy for more then a day.

    To summarize the problem and solution:
    – having magic_quotes_runtime and magic_quotes_sybase both ON in the PHP settings causes the permalinks not to work (anymore) in Wp 2.7.

    – setting
    magic_quotes_runtime = Off
    magic_quotes_sybase = Off
    solves the issue.

    The reason this might be a rare bug is probably that in most server settings these 2 settings are Off by default. But the fact that WordPress does not check for these settings might be considered a bug/weakness of the wordpress code too. I will see if I can issue a ticket in Trac for this.

    I’m getting this problem too. I can’t turn those off through .htaccess but editing the database solved the problem, temporarily.

    I tried to find “magic_quotes” or “rewrite_rules” in my databases and I can’t find it.

    I am searching via phpmyadmin.

    Thread Starter matthijs


    You can read more about magic quotes in the PHP manual

    Setting both magic_quotes_runtime and magic_quotes_sybase to Off can be done in the server settings, if that possibility is there for you. With shared hosts, it’s not always possible to change PHP configurations, in that case you should ask your webhost to do that.
    Here’s the manual page about turning them off:

    If you can’t change the server settings directly or your webhost won’t do it for you, using a few rules in an htaccess file it’s also possible to turn them off. See the same page in the manual.

    The “rewrite_rules” field can be found in the database table wp_options. It’s one of the last records of that table. Changing that value manually in the database solved the problem for me as well, but as I mentioned, that’s a bit of a messy solution. And each time you upgrade/save your permalinks in the wordpress admin panel again, the bug will return. So turning the magic_quotes_runtime and magic_quotes_sybase settings to Off is the best solution.

    I added a ticket to the wordpress Trac for this problem, as it would be better if there’s a check in the wordpress code itself which would make sure that the code works, independent from which server setting someone might have.


    I looked at the trac and it says this is resolved. But what about those of us who aren’t allowed to change the setting on their shared provider? What can we do to get our blogs going, other than downgrading?

    I have now migrated to a new host, installed my wordpress and dang, none of my permalinks are working, which means none of my menus work etc.

    Is there a fix or workaround that will work for the rest of us?

    Thanks for any assistance.


    Interesting. I wish it worked for me ??

    I have those settings off in my db and I went in and diddled the rewrite_rules as suggested (they were consistent with what people have found to work properly).

    Maybe this is a little drastic, but I just deleted the rewrite_rules from my database and now things work. I had nothing to lose, so YMMV.

    Thread Starter matthijs


    @bunnzy: have you tried turning them off by your htaccess file?
    (see https://nl2.php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php )

    I know this may sound strange…

    download a copy of your .htaccess file and open it using notepad/wordpad.
    Is there a blank line at the beginning? If so remove it an upload it back to your root.

    Did that work? Cause that’s what worked for me… no kidding.

    @matthijs, thanks for the detective work.

    I was experiencing the same issue, but phpinfo(); was saying magic_quotes_runtime and magic_quotes_sybase were both off. Then I decided to do a sitewide search for magic_quotes_* and sure enough, for some reason wp-config.php had this line:

    ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase', 1);

    Set it to 0 and problem solved. I guess you could also remove the line altogether.

    Hope this is useful!

    So…I tried both
    php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
    php_value magic_quotes_gpc Off

    in the .htaccess file as recommended here. No luck.
    I set my permissions to 666 and let WordPress rewrite- no luck.
    I added “category” and “tag” as suggested here. Nada.
    I uploaded the revised query.php lauded as the solution in this thread. Nope.

    Finally, I followed these instructions and remade the .htaccess again…Et voila. Success at last. HTH!

    @badevan… strange is right, but it WORKED! There was a blank linebreak at the beginning of my .htaccess file, I deleted it, saved, re-uploaded the file and it WORKED!!


    Aw man. That was so close. Doing that broke a bunch of links everywhere in my blog. Back to the drawing board I guess.

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