• sagescrub



    We just upgraded to the 6.10.9 version and it appears some, if not all, of our members can no longer post to the forums. When they go into their profile and click on the permissions tab, the permissions match the “Read Only” permission set.

    However based on their membership group the permissions are still correctly set to “Standard Access” which has the “Can start new topics in a forum” as well as other permissions that the Read Only group denies.

    I checked, double checked and triple checked our forums groups and permissions and everything is set correctly. I haven’t made any changes in those areas of the forum in years.

    I am convinced that the upgrade to the 6.10.9 version caused this issue. The only other change I made recently was disabling the Captcha simple press forums plugin. I tried re-enabling that plugin which did nothing to resolve the permissions issue as I expected.

    I also tried all of the cleanup, rebuild and flush cache options in the housekeeping. None of which resolved the permissions issue.

    Please help!

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