@cg-team The existence of a link or not is irrelevant. Translations should be correct and not contain irrelevant items in them.
@themefour You are correct, translations that are incorrect or contain ads are not permitted here.
If the translation is one that is hosted by us at translate.www.ads-software.com, then if the translation is incorrect, you or anybody else can suggest the new translation for the plugin.
However, if the string is in the paid plugin and not in the free plugin, then you will need to bring the matter up to wherever you obtained the paid plugin instead.
As I cannot read that language, I have no idea if the translation is correct or not. Speakers of the language and others who are capable of translating the original text should visit the plugin’s translation page and suggest the new corrected translation. You can do that here:
You can do this for any plugin we host, for any language we have in our system. Translations will be updated once approved and sent to all affected sites as needed.