Dgold, the location/weather/date graphic at the top right is actually a flash file. The flash file is fed information dynamically via ‘flashvars’. Here is a sample of the ‘flashvars’ and values I’m feeding it:
dnam=Barcelona, Spain
conditions=1:23 AM, 68° F (Partly Cloudy)
‘month’, ‘day’, and the time portion of ‘conditions’ are calculated via PHP’s built in date/time functions. ‘dnam’, ‘lat’, ‘lon’, and the weather portion of ‘conditions’ come from weather.com’s XML service (I use PHP to parse the XML).
In the flash file, the ‘month’, ‘day’, ‘dnam’, and ‘conditions’ variables are displayed as-is. The ‘lat’ and ‘lon’ variables are converted to X and Y coordinates, which are used as the coordinates for the red-dot.
Whenever we move to a new place, I have to update two things:
- our blog’s timezone in the WP-admin area
- a php variable in my theme’s header.php file that stores the weather.com location ID that corresponds to our current location